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Orgullo y Prejuicio, también en cómic 24 Apr 2013 | 09:47 pm

Pocos pueden no considerar a Jane Austen como una de las más grandes escritoras de la literatura inglesa y como un referente de las letras universales. Pero no muchos creo que se enorgullezcan de ver ...

Nuevo trailer para Iron Man 3 7 Mar 2013 | 02:56 pm

Poco más de un mes para el estreno, y las máquinas comerciales ya se han puesto en marcha para empezar a caldear el ambiente en torno a Iron Man 3. Será el 26 de abril, una semana antes que en EEUU, c...

More anti venom related news:

Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute in Bangkok, Thailand 27 Aug 2013 | 06:03 am

The Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute in the heart of Bangkok, Thailand is a snake farm and museum operated by the Red Cross which specializes in the education, production, and research of anti-venom....

UF trial saves snake-bitten dogs 26 Jul 2013 | 07:53 pm

An anti-venom study being conducted at the UF Small Animal hospital has treated and saved the lives of 12 dogs so far.

Veterinarians seek dogs for snakebite anti-venom study 26 Jun 2013 | 12:56 am

Just in time for snakebite season, veterinarians at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine are recruiting dogs that were recently bitten by pit viper snakes for a study of an investi...

The Ninja Is Anti SOPA/PIPA 19 Jan 2012 | 04:55 am

Do something here: Find out more here:

Satgas Anti Pornografi? 14 Mar 2012 | 06:46 pm

Sudah sekian lama rasanya saya ingin menulis tentang kebijakan yang dikeluarkan pemerintah namun selama ini saya mencoba hanya “menelannya” saja walaupun mungkin didalam hati kurang berkenan. Namun ka...

Pesquisa quer criar anti-inflamatório a partir de árvore da Amazônia 30 Dec 2010 | 12:06 am

Óleo de copaíba já era usado por índios antes da chegada de portugueses. Medicamento pode ser vendido em até 5 anos, acreditam estudiosos.

Hormones – Mind-Body Health & Anti-Aging 10 Mar 2012 | 01:36 am

The mind-body connection posits that a well mind provides for a well body and vice versa. So when it comes to aging and brain health, one must also take into consideration the state of one’s hormones....

Testing of anti-rootkit software for the detection and removal of rootkits III 3 May 2010 | 07:16 am

In these days, rootkit technologies are gaining more and more popularity with virus writers. The cause for this is quite obvious: they make it possible to hide malware and its components from PC users...

Camisinha anti-estupro – Saiba como funciona 7 Jul 2010 | 03:16 pm

A camisinha anti-estupro, ou Rape-aXe, como é chamada, foi inventada por uma médica sul-africana, com objetivo de contribuir para a diminuição do número de estupros na África do Sul, onde acontece mai...

Pawlenty Gets Gay Bombed By Glittery San Francisco 18 Jun 2011 | 03:05 pm

Members of the anti-war group Code Pink surprised Tim Pawlenty Thursday at a book signing for his new bio, “Courage to Stand,” by unleashing buckets of pink confetti and glitter on his head. The activ...

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