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Afterthought of a recent trip 15 Aug 2013 | 09:15 am
The last few days , I was in Shanghai and Hangzhou. I have visited China many times before, and have been to SH and Hangzhou , but my the last trip there was about 6 years back. It was so much chang...
You cannot say “Bomb” on a plane! 1 Aug 2013 | 10:35 am
In the film “meet the parents” by Robert De Niro and Ben Stiller, Ben Stiller at the last section of the show boarded a plane, and when he tried to put his bag up at the overhead storage area, a strai...
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推荐描述: 飞扬动听的钢琴独奏 音乐类型: Indie... 15 Oct 2012 | 08:56 am
Veloce - Domenico Curcio 推荐描述:飞扬动听的钢琴独奏 音乐类型:Indie/纯音 发行日期:2010年 专辑名称:Piano Solo 音乐人:Domenico Curcio——比利时独立音乐人 Aphrodite: 练琴,练琴,懒死了。 从这周开始每天都要练琴。