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Hazindak Yaylası 19 Aug 2013 | 03:15 pm
Rize’nin zirvelerindeki güzel yaylarından biri. İsmi konusunda bir ikilem yaşadığım bir yayla. Her zaman iki isim duyuyorum Hazindak ve Hazindağ, ancak en çok Hazindak ismini duyduğum için ben de bunu...
İz Bırakmak İsteyenlere… 14 Aug 2013 | 09:58 pm
Hepimizin hayatında iz bırakan mekanlar ve bu mekanlarda geçen, herkese anlatmak için can attığımız hikayelerimiz vardır. Bu hikayeler anlatıldıkça yaşar ve paylaştıkça daha mutlu olur anlatıcı… Günüm...
More apple tablet related news:
애플 타플릿 IPad 발표 됐군요. 28 Jan 2010 | 09:08 am
나오기 전부터 시끄럽더니 단순한 언론 플레이는 아니었던 것 같습니다. 아래 두 링크는 발표와 제품 사진, 그리고 동영상입니다. 가격이 $499 부터 시작한다는게 조금 부담이네요. http://www.ap...
Samsung Tablet PC UAE 29 May 2012 | 11:32 pm
Axiom Telecom the best selling apple iPad store in UAE. Shop online for apple tablet pc in UAE.
The Apple Tablet: Web side story 26 Jan 2010 | 02:25 am
I’m going to make an unusual prediction for the Apple Tablet: it’ll be a great platform for web apps. How do I know this? Because of what’s on the iPhone right now. At WWDC 2007, Steve Jobs infamousl...
The Apple Tablet: Look at the size of that thing! 23 Jan 2010 | 01:44 am
With the Apple tablet reveal less than a week away, it’s high time for me to engage in some idle speculation. The two questions on my mind are: what resolution is the tablet, and how will apps be made...
The New iPad is official, Retina display, LTE, A5X CPU - Shop Apple Tablet Computers 8 Mar 2012 | 01:03 pm
iPad 3, iPad 2S, iPad HD? Doesn't matter, really. All that matters is that it's here! This is the next generation of Apple's iOS slate and, as usual, she's a beaut -- and yes, she's still rockin' a ph...
Apple Tablet PC Apple New iPad 3 HD 16GB White 21 Mar 2012 | 08:51 am
Tableta PC Apple iPad 3 HD 16GB Tags: Apple iPad 3, IPad 3, iPad 3 HD 16GB, tableta, Tableta PC, Tableta PC Apple, Tablete PC Laptopuri similare Apple Tablet PC Apple New iPad 3 HD 64GB White (0) App...
Apple Tablet PC Apple New iPad 3 HD 32GB Black 21 Mar 2012 | 07:56 am
Tableta PC Apple New HD 32GB Black Tags: iPad 3 32GB, New iPad 3 HD 32GB, tableta, Tableta PC, Tableta PC Apple iPad 3, Tablete PC Laptopuri similare Lenovo Tableta PC ThinkPad X220 (Intel Core i3-231...
Apple Tablet PC Apple New iPad 3 HD 64GB White 21 Mar 2012 | 07:50 am
Pret Tableta PC Apple New iPad 3 HD 64GB Alb Tags: IPad 3, Ipad 64 GB, Pret Ipad 3, tableta, Tableta PC, Tableta PC Apple, Tablete PC Laptopuri similare Apple Tablet PC Apple New iPad 3 HD 16GB White ...
Best Printers For iPad 22 Jan 2011 | 08:31 pm
Recently, updates to Apple's iOS4 operating system have enabled direct wireless printers for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch models. Wireless printing from the insanely popular Apple tablet is here thank....
How The Apple tablet look like 26 Jan 2010 | 04:25 am
Gossip mills are buzzing overtime over Apple launching a tablet Computer. Speculations are running high on everything, from Apple Tablet’s positioning to name to features to looks. In fact, the recent...