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More as3 convert as2 related news:
Disabling a button in AS3 (myMC.enabled in AS3) 27 Sep 2007 | 08:57 pm
I ran across the problem the other day of trying to disable a button without removing its MouseEvent listeners. In AS2 you could simply disable a button by setting it’s “enabled” property to false. ...
So, yeah, i’m fucked. 13 Jul 2009 | 03:06 pm
De ce nu mi-a spus si mie nimeni ca API-ul de google maps pentru flash nu este as2? Ca sa ma apuc sa rescriu 852 de linii de as2 in as3, o super-treaba. Nici nu stiu cu ce sa incep, eventurile, xml-ul...
AS3 Dışarıdan Çağırılan Swf den Frameye Git 7 May 2010 | 11:43 pm
AS3 Dışarıdan Çağırılan Swf den Frameye Git Merhaba arkadaşlar… AS2 Kodlarını elimden geldiği kadar AS3 kodlarına çevirmeye çalıştım. Şimdi ilk olarak File-New-Flash File(Action Script3) olarak ye...
AS3: Collection, ValueObject, & Iterator 8 Aug 2009 | 02:38 pm
View Collection Documentation View Iterator Documentation View Value Object Documentation Download Classes & Example Files A while ago I blogged about converting Collection and Iterator classes to...
convert the image by as3 to javascript 13 Feb 2012 | 03:56 am
从来没写过as3,虽然很久很久很久之前就一直重复说自己要看些这方面的东西。今天下午终于拿了半天,写了个小玩意。拿出来说一下 :) 嗯,事情是这样的,我想在不支持canvas的浏览器里也实现一个toDataURL实现把图片转换成base64的格式。大概搜索了一圈,有如下几种情况可以实现。 首先,远程图片是否跨域。 如果图片跨域,则不能使用xhr方式取得【ie下用普通xhr取得图片,设置请求头为...
FlashPitt Reminder: Tucker the FlashPitt Puppy! 25 Sep 2008 | 03:32 am
FlashPitt Reminder: Tucker the FlashPitt Puppy! FlashPitt is right around the corner boys and girls! Have you got your tickets yet? I am really excited to give my session on AS2 to AS3 Migration! Esp...
FlashPitt Coming Up Really Soon! (Oct. 10th) - Get Your Tickets! 10 Sep 2008 | 02:52 am
As you might have gathered from the banners on my blog, I'm speaking at Flashpitt in about a month. I'll be doing a session with Wayne called AS2 to AS3 Migration. This will be a great session for an...
İş ilanı (Flash ve AS3/AS2) 3 Feb 2010 | 10:00 am
İstek üzerine bir iş ilanını buradan duyurmak istiyorum. Flash AS3/AS2 kosununda tecrübeli arkadaşlara duyurulur...
Super simple blur rollover effect example with TweenLite (AS2 and AS3) 20 Aug 2010 | 09:00 am
TweenLite is without a questions one of the most powerful Flash tools out there. If you haven’t so far, check it out right now! Here a example of how to create a blur rollover effect in 30 sec. Both...
Callback filter functions in E4X 1 Apr 2007 | 11:04 pm
While porting some xpath-heavy AS2 code to AS3, I ran into problems. E4X (new and improved xml support in AS3) seems to make xpath obsolete. However, all the E4X query examples in the docs use hard-co...