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Re: Basketball Wives: LA Cast 26 Feb 2012 | 11:10 am

Gloria and Laura's Dad was the High School Counselor where I attended in Oakland, Ca. Bay Area.

Scholarships & Financial Aid : Getting Scholarships for Black High School Seniors 18 Feb 2012 | 01:02 pm

Getting scholarships for black high school seniors can be done by consulting with the high school counselor about schools that offer minority scholarships, but private and government organizations wil...

Middle and High School Counselors Partnering for Success 12 Jan 2010 | 03:00 am

Beth Grimes, High School Counselor and Middle School Liaison, discusses how she developed a collaborative transition program among teachers, counselors and families. Beth has over 25 years of experien...

Joey Corbett Services on Saturday Sept.8 6 Sep 2012 | 10:23 am

Folsom Lacrosse Friends, We are deeply saddened to inform you of the loss of Joey Corbett, who served as a Folsom Lacrosse assistant high school coach in the 2012 spring season and was a former FLA a...

Peeling the Layers to Understand Kids and Those Around Us 19 May 2013 | 05:00 pm

I am a people person.  I like people. They intrigue me and I like to understand what makes them tick.  One of the benefits of being a high school counselor is that I get to meet all different types of...

From juggling 2-3 jobs, to Isagenix Superstar 16 Aug 2013 | 09:23 pm

Trainer: 2 Star Executive – 8 Start Platinum Circle Alexis Romano After a career as an English teacher, high school counselor and juggling 2-3 jobs, Alexis discovers the NWM industry through Isagenix...


To contact an Aurora High School counselor, please call their direct telephone numbers or emails: Last name beginning with A - G   Mr. Calcei   330-954-2135 Last name...

How to Become a High School Guidance Counselor 5 Aug 2011 | 04:25 pm

The role of a High school guidance counselor is to work with students in determining and assessing their abilities and interests with the target of helping them to develop appropriate school and caree...

Spotlight On: Coach and Teacher Educates His Student Athletes About Milk's Recovery Benefits 7 Mar 2012 | 09:15 am

Brian Sabo wears many hats in Eastwood Local Schools District: 7th grade football coach, high school assistant varsity track coach, middle school PE teacher and year round weight room supervisor - and...

Learn How to Use your Dental Assistant Skills to Become an Hygienist 13 Jan 2012 | 07:44 pm

We all have done something at one point or another where we regret our decision and wish we could take it back like it never happened. The same is true when teenagers are right out of high school look...

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