Most association canadienne des libertés civiles related news are at:
– Canadian Civil Liberties Association | Protecting, Defending and Extending Human and Civil Rights
Back to school: CCLET’s new and returning resources this year 26 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
It’s that time of year again. There’s just one week left before a new school year starts. Kids across Canada are about to face a lot of “new”. New teachers, new classes, new friends, new schools. Here...
In case you missed it: CCLA presents “Seeking Access to Information” 23 Aug 2013 | 06:30 pm
Yesterday CCLA hosted “Seeking Access to Information,” the latest installment of our Conversations for Civil Liberties discussion series. Thank you to everyone who came out to CCLA’s new office for th...
More association canadienne des libertés civiles related news:
Aidons Denis Poitras à retrouver son droit de pratique 16 Aug 2013 | 04:00 am
« L’avocat des manifestant-es », Denis Poitras, infatigable défenseur des libertés civiles, de la liberté d’expression et du droit d’association, ne peut plus défendre personne. Depuis le 17 juillet, ...