Most async rails thin related news are at:

Please Use an Error Service! 26 Aug 2013 | 02:46 am
In The Perils of “rescue Exception” I explained one major error handling issue I see in almost all Ruby code. The second mistake I see is using logging rather than an error service. An error service ...
Lua and Sidekiq Pro 11 Aug 2013 | 09:25 am
I’ve started working with Redis 2.6′s embedded Lua support to power new features for Sidekiq Pro. I think there’s a rich vein of functionality to be tapped here for several reasons: Server-side execu...
More async rails thin related news:
Setting up a High Availability Ruby on Rails environment with keepalived, nginx, HA Proxy and Thin on Debian Lenny 15 May 2010 | 09:23 pm
Contents Configure Keepalived and Nginx Configure HA Proxy Configure Thin Overview Nginx and HA Proxy have similar functions: they can both be used as reverse proxies and load balancers. In our case N...
Running jQuery code from Ruby using ExecJS-Async 5 Sep 2011 | 04:24 am
Last week I wrote a post about using the Asset Pipeline outside of Rails because we needed to test answers for Code School’s upcoming Zombies 2 course. But we also need a way to test javascript (that ...
Stack Thin+God pas du tout stable 17 Jun 2008 | 01:57 am
Si vous êtes passé sur scoopoe ce weekend, vous aurez sans doute remarqué que scoopeo ne fonctionnait pas très bien. En réalité le software God qui est censé monitorer les process Thin (Ruby on Rails)...
One of my favorite additions to Rails 3 - ActiveRecord::Store - brings sexy back to old unsexy MySQL 24 Jun 2012 | 05:33 pm
One of the least favorite things I hated to do was migrate schema. Luckily Rails 3 has this new semantic called 'store' -- as detailed here. Store gives you a thin wrapper around serialize for the p....
High CPU usage by Thin on Ruby 1.9.2/Rails 3.1.3/Ubuntu LTS environment 10 Jan 2012 | 06:22 am
I recently upgraded my app to Rails 3.1.3 from 3.0.10. Shortly after deploying the upgrade to production I started getting complaints from god (the monitor, not the deity) that my 2 Thin processes wer...
Setting up a High Availability Ruby on Rails environment with keepalived, nginx, HA Proxy and Thin on Debian Lenny 15 May 2010 | 05:23 pm
Contents Configure Keepalived and Nginx Configure HA Proxy Configure Thin Overview Nginx and HA Proxy have similar functions: they can both be used as reverse proxies and load balancers. In our case N...
OO Rails e Thin models: quando Rails non basta 29 Jun 2012 | 06:00 am
Un paio di settimane fa ho acquistato una copia di Objects on Rails: la lettura è stata molto interessante, e ha chiarito alcuni dei dubbi "architetturali" sorti negli ultimi progetti Rails più comple...
OO Rails e Thin models: quando Rails non basta 29 Jun 2012 | 05:00 am
Un paio di settimane fa ho acquistato una copia di Objects on Rails: la lettura è stata molto interessante, e ha chiarito alcuni dei dubbi "architetturali" sorti negli ultimi progetti Rails più comple...