Most autoblog duplicate content related news are at:

Should Contempt be Brought Back? 31 Jan 2012 | 09:46 am
I’ve had an influx in people lately asking if the blog will ever be back. I normally say “when I feel like I have good shit to post I will” but even that has fallen to the wayside lately. So here’s th...
Should Contempt be Brought Back? 31 Jan 2012 | 04:46 am
I’ve had an influx in people lately asking if the blog will ever be back. I normally say “when I feel like I have good shit to post I will” but even that has fallen to the wayside lately. So here’s th...
More autoblog duplicate content related news:
Autoblogs, Duplicate Content, and Canonicalization for Google 18 Jun 2012 | 02:48 am
As a content writing service, it’s obviously in our best interest to recommend the use of original content at all times, but there are instances when using an autoblog to syndicate content across mult...
Autoblogs, Duplicate Content, and Canonicalization for Google 18 Jun 2012 | 11:01 am
As a content writing service, it’s obviously in our best interest to recommend the use of original content at all times, but there are instances when using an autoblog to syndicate content across mult...
Autoblogs, Duplicate Content, and Canonicalization for Google 18 Jun 2012 | 02:48 am
As a content writing service, it’s obviously in our best interest to recommend the use of original content at all times, but there are instances when using an autoblog to syndicate content across mult...
Autoblogs, Duplicate Content, and Canonicalization for Google 18 Jun 2012 | 11:01 am
As a content writing service, it’s obviously in our best interest to recommend the use of original content at all times, but there are instances when using an autoblog to syndicate content across mult...
15+ Online Tools To Check Duplicate Content 9 Dec 2011 | 06:19 am
These tools will be very useful for most of the bloggers. I mentioned almost some 18 online tools to check duplicate content. How will you feel when you see your article displayed on any other blog? I...
How to Avoid Duplicate Content in Your Blog 19 Mar 2007 | 11:17 am
You probably know by now that Google is taking serious measure to rid it's search engine result pages from duplicated content. It is frustrating to see MFA pages when you are doing your search. These ...
5 SEO Nuggets for Tackling Google Panda 31 Aug 2011 | 07:44 am
Google Panda is Google’s newly launched feature aiming to get rid of low quality and duplicate content websites. This basically affects sites having irrelevant or duplicate content. So if you are runn...
Fight Google Panda and Maintain Panda Proof Websites with Duplicate Content Alerts 20 May 2011 | 07:25 am
If you are a blogger whose content gets scraped by multiple other websites, here is the quick solution which can help you. Get email alerts every time your content gets duplicated. Fight against plagi...
Handling legitimate cross-domain content duplication 25 Dec 2009 | 12:23 am
We’ve recently discussed several ways of handling duplicate content on a single website; today we’ll look at ways of handling similar duplication across different websites, across different domains. F...
Das Thema near duplicate content detection 5 Sep 2011 | 04:06 am
Nachdem wir ja viel im Bereich Contenterstellung für unsere Kunden machen, fand ich neulich dieses Patent durchaus interessant: Google hat also ein Patent angemeldet, dass sich...