Most awk if related news are at:

Ons betere ik 7 May 2013 | 02:14 pm
De mens heeft het goede en het kwade beide in zich verenigd. Maar het goede heeft de overhand gekregen. Volgens Harvard psycholoog prof. Steven Pinker is de wereld is er een betere plek op geworden in...
Emancipatie: daar zijn we klaar mee. Toch? 3 May 2013 | 12:00 pm
Vorige week keken we naar drie rechtszaken rondom gendergelijkheid aan universiteiten. De Universiteit van Amsterdam werd vrijgesproken van de beschuldiging van genderdiscriminatie. De Rijksuniversite...
More awk if related news:
Files without comments 22 Aug 2011 | 07:15 pm
Use *awk to remove comment lines that start with a '#' making it easier to view the actual configurations/settings [Edit] To remove the blank lines as well as the comments, alter the awk command to
Python for bash replacement 27 Dec 2010 | 05:25 am
When I started learning Python, I was looking for a programming language that would replace BASH, AWK and SED. I am a C/C++ programmer and as such I better invest my time into studying C and C++. Inst...
Remove frozen, nobody emails 27 Mar 2012 | 02:56 pm
UK-Fully Managed Web Hosting Command to remove frozen emails from the server. exim -bpr | grep frozen | awk {‘print $3′} | xargs exim -Mrm exiqgrep -zi|awk {‘print $3′}|xargs exim -Mrm Command to ... 17 Aug 2011 | 09:46 pm
Category: Disease: Èwþpø Zaø mkyk oÖþp kwLwk Rdø gøwtwËik eÞËtwRd kËtËQ„ MÞyËûô AwiwËbk gwxrk gwBËk Ìgxm awKw eËr Ggv gøwtwi KkwI Ìgxm pt„ oxZøKwk AËaê myZKwËl Awikw NËkk iËcø awKËZ Ìgxm eQëb K...
Aula 11/12 Pesquisa e Arquivos 11 May 2012 | 09:32 am
Na aula de hoje iremos conhecer comandos para pesquisa em arquivos. Comandos grep, sed, awk, find.
批量关闭tomcat 3 May 2012 | 09:31 pm
#!/bin/sh #kill tomcat pid pidlist=`ps -ef|grep tomcat | grep -v “grep”|awk ‘{print $2}’` #ps -u $USER|grep “java”|grep -v “grep” echo “tomcat Id list :$pidlist” if [ "$pidlist" = "" ] then echo “no t...
Postfix queue tips 13 Apr 2012 | 03:22 am
Want to count how many given email address apear in in postfix queue? Use this handy combination of grep, sed and awk to find out... read more
time_wait过多的优化 14 Feb 2012 | 10:47 pm
对于处理并发量较高的Server,统计会发现本机tcp的time_wait状态的连接非常多 netstat -nat | awk '{++S[$NF]} END {for(a in S) print a, S[a]}' TIME_WAIT 24413 established) 1 SYN_SENT 1 FIN_WAIT1 1 State 1 ESTABLISHED 1...
Te encontré! 9 May 2011 | 04:51 pm
watch -n 2 "(ps aux | awk '\$8 ~ /D/ { print \$0 }')" Temas relacionados: Script bash que comprime y el nombre del fichero es la fecha de hoy Depurar errores con munin Script PHP para comprobar y ...
0.04sen 4 Jan 2012 | 01:57 am
Me: Hello, sy dh kol customer service maxis and dah cerita details bout your problems. Y: ok. nape awk kol? (gelak-gelak) Me: Yela..bebaii kot baru topup rm10 skrg tggl 0.04sen, gila ka pa? ...