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In Calabria a Cosenza non avere fretta con le sorelle 29 Jan 2013 | 01:22 am
Come dico sempre, la gente della Calabria è molto calorosa, infatti, tutti i vari volti che ho aggiunto nella mia lista privata, me li porto insieme ad altri indirizzi utili che frequento spesso, e mi...
Classifica di Badoo. Tutte ragazze da votare anche in Europa 4 Sep 2008 | 05:45 am
More badu related news:
Erykah Badu: New Ameryka Part Two (Return of the Ankh) 16 Jul 2010 | 01:26 pm
Israeli-born illustrator Emek is one of the talents keeping poster art alive. Described by Henry Rollins as the “thinking man’s poster artist”, Emek continues many of the traditions of 1960′s psychede...
CYPRESS HILL и SEAN PAUL на ELEVATION 2012 16 May 2012 | 06:00 pm
Elevation Music Festival продължава да добавя качествени имена към все по-впечатляващата си програма. Новите имена, които ще се качат на главната сцена на фестивала редом с Fatboly Slim, Erykah Badu, ...
Erykah Badu – Grammy Award Winning Singer-Songwriter 6 May 2012 | 08:16 pm
Erykah Badu, born as Erica Abi Wright, is a singer and song writer who brings together elements of jazz, soul, hip hop, and R&B music, resulting in a musical flavor that is all her own. The sub-genre ...
Recording: Erykah Badu 10 Aug 2011 | 02:25 am
Es war ein wenig heiß, wir haben lange auf sie warten müssen, aber dann war es so weit: Erykah Badu, begleitet von Miki Keknj und seinem Streicherquintett verzauberten den gut gefüllten Saal des MADE....
Top 5 – Les plus beaux buts de la CAN 2012 16 Feb 2012 | 03:15 am
Drogba, Gervinho, Yaya Touré, Mayuka & Badu font partie de ce top 5 initié par une chaîne télévisuelle brésilienne. Malgré son caractère plutôt défensif et ses schémas tactiques austères mis en place ...
//SOURCE// It's no wonder that Erykah Badu seems to affect her men to their core, changing their lives forever and leaving them always with her name on their their songs. The woman is so ...
Naskah Proklamasi 5 Mar 2008 | 09:08 pm
Badu pulang sekolah sambil menangis terisak-isak. Ibunya langsung menghampirinya dengan terheran-heran. Ibu : Ada apa, Nak? Kenapa kamu menangis? Badu : Hu…hu… tadi dimarahin Ibu Guru. Ibu ...
Clip du jour : Erykah Badu – Out my mind just in time Movement 2 .. 17 Oct 2011 | 11:18 pm
Toujours un plaisir d’entendre “The Queen” Erykah Badu, qui nous dévoile la suite de son premier clip (la vidéo ICI) toujours dans le même style visuel. Un délice… Enjoy!!
Kemenangan dan Kekalahan Semu 11 Apr 2012 | 11:00 am
Saya akan mengajak Anda membayangkan dua skenario. Di skenario pertama, andaikan Anto bertarung dengan Badu. Di akhir pertarungan, Anto rugi 10 juta dan Badu rugi 20 juta. Pertanyaan: Siapakah yang m...