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C'est mon cadeau!!! 21 Aug 2013 | 10:07 pm
J'ai déjà dit toute mon admiration pour Marcia Backstrom, décédée prématurément en octobre 2011, l'une des meilleures artistes du monde de la poupée miniature. l'un des meilleurs artistes du monde de...
Un très long silence consacré au 1/1 mais plein de nouvelles... 2 Aug 2013 | 11:53 am
Je vous l'avais dit , il y a quelques mois déjà. Je suis très occupée par la maison et le jardin et puis , il y a les visites qui ponctuent notre vie de retraités( En théorie " retraités"! Car on vit ...
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Adventures in Writing and Researching for The Epic of Mekonnen (Part 2) 28 Mar 2011 | 01:13 pm
The multiethnic, international and inter-dimentional cast of characters from the Epic Adventures of Mekonnen. From left to right: Bahetawi Abba Shiloh, King Shekanos, Lord Jalleel Ibsaa, Abner Ben Zeb...
2008-12-04 Public Enemy Aftershow Party DJ Lord, Ben* 30 May 2012 | 08:36 pm
Die viel zu lange Bühnenabstinenz hat endlich ein Ende: Public Enemy sind in der Stadt. Nach der mehrstündigen Show ist die Party noch lange nicht vorbei. Im LiveAtDot wird fleißig gescratcht und gera...
LIFTED hits the road 25 Mar 2013 | 12:55 pm
Photo: Ben Beaden Last week we were a little anxious but excited to head south to NSW for a miniature-book-tour-of-sorts. With a box of books tucked firmly underarm, I flew to the big smoke (Sydney) ...
The Trick that Time Lords Know 31 Oct 2012 | 07:24 am “Miniature ponies,” I say. “Actual horses, yes, but very small.” Several moments pass. “What?” my realtor asks. I can remember a time when explaining myself was embarrassi...
Malvern College pupil appointed a Lord Lieutenant Cadet 4 Jul 2013 | 09:19 pm
Ben Donaldson, a Lower Sixth pupil at Malvern College and a corporal with the Marines, has just been appointed a Lord Lieutenant Cadet. Three were chosen from across the county and their role will be...
Alle Filme sind besser mit Nic Cage 26 Aug 2013 | 04:40 pm
Unser Lord Nic Cage ist weit rumgekommen, hat sein Schauspieltalent hunderte Male bewiesen und bekommt dennoch nicht die Anerkennung, die er verdient. Stattdessen wird Ben Affleck Batman, Henry Cavill...
Ben Behrouzi where is he now? 21 Aug 2013 | 12:18 am
The answer may, or may not, surprise you Ben Behrouzi has been the subject of some very scathing blog posts here at the Fantastic Site of Lord Matt. Behrouzi has founded a massive number of failed bu...
Lord Rama's Story in Miniature Paintings 27 Aug 2013 | 09:31 am
Source NEW DEHLI, INDIA August 17,2013 (by Avantika Bhuyan): A one-of-its kind exhibition brings 101 miniatures from various schools of painting to piece together the life and times of Lord Rama. Fro...