Most benjamin marc wee straits times related news are at:
– Benjamin Marc Wee Tsung Mun
Fake eBay Millionaire Jailed 5 Months 30 Apr 2012 | 04:11 pm
note: Please purchase The New Paper for April 28 2012 for the entire article. Transcript (typed out by me, pardon any typos) Report by: SHAFFIQ ALKHATIB The New Paper He was dubbed the “ Ebay Mil...
Fake eBay Millionaire Jailed: 诱人网上投资 男子行骗监5个月 29 Apr 2012 | 07:37 pm
自称靠拍卖网站“电子湾”(eBay)致富,一名男子跟人分享网络买卖的诀窍后,建议“商机”诱使人上当,昨天被判坐牢五个月。 被告黄雄文(40岁,洋名Benjamin Marc)面对各一项欺骗和失信控状。控方以欺骗罪提控他,另一项由法官下判时考虑。 控状显示,黄雄文在2009年4月1日,以购买记忆卡为由,骗走一名男子梁中煌(43岁)2万5000元。 当时,黄雄文经营WTF私人有限公司,专门从事网...