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有公德心~不要頂舊帖 否則封鎖帳號 4 Jan 2013 | 07:47 pm
請各位成員盡量不要特別去翻非常舊的文章來回復,除非你有相關最新的消息補充,不然回覆舊文會讓論壇感覺非常的混亂,反而讓新帖全部沉下去。 另外影音區幾乎舊文的連結都失效了,所以回覆也沒有意義。 所以迫於無奈,現在起無意義的頂舊帖超過10篇的成員給予封鎖帳號一周。 希望大家多回覆新文,而不是拼命找舊文,這是在整我嗎?
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More blaine glee related news:
Las Fotos prohibidas de Heather Morris, la cantante de Glee, robadas de su celular sin censura. 13 Mar 2012 | 04:52 pm
Muchos se preguntaran quien es Heather Morris de Glee, es una cantante justamente de la serie Glee que emiten por FOX y trata de unos estudiantes medio ñoños que cantan en el coro de su instituto llam...
El éxito Glee se muda al cine con Glee 3D 22 Oct 2011 | 09:18 am
Existen muy pocas personas que hayan podido permanecer al margen del estallido Glee, pero bueno como se que siempre existe algún distraído la siguiente aclaración va para aquellos que viven dentro de ...
Get sporty with Sue Sylvester's trademark Adidas tracksuits from Glee 21 Jul 2010 | 12:00 pm
There’s so much we love about Glee; the brilliant characters, preppy costumes and annoyingly catchy songs to name just a few. But the character we’ve fallen for the hardest isn’t the awkward Finn (Cor...
Glee: 15.diel – The Power Of Madonna 1 May 2010 | 05:47 am
"Beautiful Hood River" photography exhibit TONIGHT! 3 Jul 2010 | 08:45 am
Please join us for opening night of "Beautiful Hood River". A photography exhibit by Blaine Franger. Downtown Hood River at The Pines Tasting Room, 2nd & State St. First Friday, July 2nd, 2010. Live m...
Jeff Beck - One Those London Nights 9 Sep 2009 | 01:46 am
This three-night stint at the Festival Hall is a rare live outing for Jeff Beck, but the largely reclusive genius of Britrock guitar takes to the stage with the glee of a teenager. Dressed in black ve...
Inspired by Emma 17 Dec 2011 | 05:37 am
不知道有多少人和我一樣有追《Glee》,一部美國校園歌舞劇,裏面充滿了old fashioned人物,例如有潔癖的女教師Emma,總是給我帶來很多vintage的穿衣靈感。當然她真的完全代表了5,60年代那種女秘書式的retro chic:鉛筆裙、小開衫、帶蝴蝶結的女士襯衫和mary jane式的小高跟鞋,全是她的招牌單品。 不過最讓我着迷的還是她對配件的運用,那種樹脂假花造型的小胸針或者非常m...
Assista Séries e Filmes online e grátis 27 Sep 2010 | 11:40 am
Alguns dias atrás comentei sobre a série Glee no Terra TV, depois pensei: Porque diabos eu não disse logo quais são as séries que tem lá?, então estou fazendo este post com o nome das séries disponíve...
Assista a 1ª temporada de Glee online 17 Sep 2010 | 08:40 am
Interessante, eu não sabia que o Terra TV disponibilizava séries e filmes para assistir gratís, para quem não é assinante. Achava que tinha somente notícias. Toda sexta-feira, é colocado um "novo" ep...
GLEE THE 3D CONCERT MOVIE 13 Sep 2011 | 05:55 pm
“Glee”successfully tuned in to worldwide acclaim tackling teenage problems via its ensemble of perfectly flawed characters. Created by Ryan Murphy, “Glee” has struck such a strong chord with young peo...