Most blemish balm related news are at:

NYX Cosmetics at Target 27 Aug 2013 | 05:31 am
Damn straight you read that right. NYX Cosmetics are now sold at select Target stores. When I saw the e-mail pop up on my screen I had to stop mid-dinner and blog it. What? News like NYX at Target is...
Anastasia Beverly Hills Lavish Kit for Brows & Eyes for Fall 2013 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
It’s ok to lem the delightfully yummie Anastasia Beverly Hills Lavish Kit for Brows and Eyes this Fall! I know I am. From neutrals to bold sizzling shades this little compact features essentials for c...
More blemish balm related news:
大人気bbクリームを知る 22 Apr 2012 | 11:40 pm
bbクリームのbbは、ブラミッシュ バーム(=Blemish Balm)の略です。海外のサロンでピーリングなどの施術を行った後に、皮膚の炎症を抑えながら肌を守り、栄養を与えるために開発されました。1980年代に韓国で紹介されて、日本でも大人気となったクリームです。 その人気の秘密は、日焼け止めや美容液としての役割に加え、ファンデーション、化粧下地などがbbクリーム一本で済んでしまうことです。この...
L'Oreal UV Perfect BB Max 5 May 2012 | 10:33 pm
L'oreal UV Perfect BB Max Well, say hello to the new BB Cream in town. "BB (Blemish Balm)" is your good mix of sunblock,moisturize and foundation in one. For Press Release here is what you need to ...
Lohashill BB Cream Sample Size 8 Oct 2010 | 01:02 am
Now in sample sizes! Lohashill Essential Blemish Balm 5ml RM7 "This Blemish Balm is made with natural herb extracts which bright effect and help skin protect itself from external damage. The ult...
Some Facts Regarding Blemish Balm Cream 6 Jun 2011 | 03:51 am
Funny though it may sound, majority users, including surprisingly the female sex, don’t have a clue when the usage of blemish cream is concerned. Supposing you have been struggling to make sense of th...
Buying Blemish Balm 2 Jun 2011 | 01:51 am
There are many different types of beauty products which every woman is sure to have in her inventory. Of them, some products are highly essential in her everyday life and are those which she cannot do...
Blemish Balm 13 May 2012 | 11:48 pm
Blemish Balm Zu einer gepflegten Erscheinung gehört auch eine gepflegte Haut. Für Menschen, die keine makellose Haut besitzen, wurde Blemish Balm entwickelt. Das Grundkonzept dieses Produkts, welches...
Wonder what is BB Base Cream? 15 Apr 2010 | 01:44 pm
The double B stands for “Blemish Balm“. This cream is said to have originated in Germany as an ointment dermatologists would prescribe to patients who have undergone laser skin surgery for its soothin...
BB cream 1 Jul 2012 | 10:52 pm
BB cream or blemish balm cream is one of the most popular beauty products currently available on the market. The reason for the heads up this cream has received from beauty care experts and models is ...
Blemish Balm 13 May 2012 | 07:48 pm
Blemish Balm Zu einer gepflegten Erscheinung gehört auch eine gepflegte Haut. Für Menschen, die keine makellose Haut besitzen, wurde Blemish Balm entwickelt. Das Grundkonzept dieses Produkts, welches...
BLEMISH BALM (BB) CREAM 26 Aug 2012 | 05:48 am
BLEMISH BALM (BB) CREAM MISSHA Perfect BB Cream from Korea Hi sume. korang pernah try BB cream? rasanya ramai da try pakai sejak Silky Girl n Maybelline knalkan BB cream keluaran diorang kan. Tp ade...