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How to Optimize Your Blog Post’s Reach with NetworkedBlogs 21 Oct 2010 | 07:49 am
If you haven’t already, you should be using NetworkedBlogs on Facebook. With over 1.8 Million users, it’s a great way to get your blog content automatically syndicated on your facebook fanpage, group...
Twitter + Blogging: Wordless Wednesday 6 Aug 2009 | 05:45 am
If you are active on the social networking microblogging site of Twitter, you may have noticed some #wordlesswednesday tags in your feed, along with links to the user’s blog. This is the start of the ...
Love, Life and Blogs 14 Apr 2012 | 05:10 pm
So I have been gradually getting to this point, I think we all get here. You do something long enough you just get plain sick of it. I am talking about blogs here. Blogging was one of my great loves, ...
Blog de Trucos 3 Dec 2009 | 01:48 pm
Les doy el dato de un blog de muchos trucos como plantillas, insertar marquesinas, cómo saber quien está enlazando tu blog, entre otros. Se trata de Blogs Ya y lo pueden encontrar Aquí. Salu2
Changer les comportements sans le dire 26 Oct 2011 | 09:52 pm
[Alors voilà, j'ai décidé de proposer de céder ma place à un rédacteur invité (pas facile de laisser son blog entre les mains d'une autre personne...). Mais l'expérience s'est avérée très enrichissant...
2011 – new year, restarting blogging 9 Jan 2011 | 06:34 am
I just realized my last post was on the 22.11.2009 – how fast time runs, I’ve been super busy growing SponsorPay, but more about this topic in a upcoming blog post… In 2011 I will restart blogging and...
My Blog Profile 26 Apr 2012 | 05:12 am
Hi to everyone reading this, I am glad you took the time to say hello, very few greet these days. I have been asked a number of times about my blog, so I thought it best to let y...
25 Best Blogging Ideas To Keep Your Readers Coming Back For More 13 Nov 2011 | 02:13 pm
By Martha Giffen Have you ever experienced the so-called "writer's block" while trying to come up with new ideas to blog about? Those dry spells can be tough when you just can't seem to think of...
Changement de slogan pour je-e-commerce – Clarification 30 May 2012 | 05:31 am
Le slogan pour un blog wordpress, c’est la phrase sous le titre. Jusqu’à présent le slogan de je-e-commerce était « un e-commerçant parle aux e-commerçants« . Remplacé aujourd’hui par « Le blog du pet...
Como agregar un Gadget en Blogger 24 May 2012 | 05:45 am
Con la opción de de añadir un Gadget que encontramos en nuestra vista de diseño, podremos agregar muchos elementos a nuestro blog, entre los cuales podemos mencionar. -Traductor -Campo para suscribi...