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WordPress vs Tumblr – which blogging platform to choose ? 9 Feb 2009 | 01:02 am
There are so many people twittering and asking about what blogging platform to choose – wordpress, tumblr , blogger, self hosted wordpress. So I decided that it is time to explain my view on this matt...
Blogger VS Wordpress 24 Apr 2011 | 10:03 pm
Blogger. Ya, Kalimat yang sudah Tidak Asing Lagi Untuk Online mania. Yang hampir semua Orang Indonesia mengenalinya. Nah! Pada pertemuan kita kali ini, Turbo a.k.a Tutorial Bloggers akan ... Kunjungi...
WordAds (WordPress) vs Adsense (Google) 3 Dec 2011 | 07:52 pm
WordPress Launches WordAds WordAds vs Google Adsense: Which is the Better Revenue Source for Bloggers? WordAds from – can the bloggers hope to make more money than the co...
13 Tips to Protect Your Wordpress Blog 15 Jul 2009 | 06:51 pm
Unlike blogger blogspot, Wordpress is more susceptible to be hacked and securing it is the top priority. This article will outlines a lot of different ways to secure your wordpress blog from the insta...
Blogger vs WordPress 21 Aug 2010 | 04:22 am
Hacer un blog puede ser una decisión personal o también puede ser una que impulse tu negocio. Cualquiera que sea tu motivación, lo primero que hay que pensar después de tener ya un nombre y un nicho (...
Tagging To Make The Joomla! Blog More Friendly Like WordPress 5 Nov 2009 | 08:07 am
There have been plenty of discussions online regarding Joomla! vs WordPress when it comes to blogging. There are three camps: Joomla! bloggers WordPress bloggers WordPress and Joomla! integration b...
Practical tips for securing your WordPress blog 4 Dec 2009 | 03:27 pm
Wordpress is one of the the most commonly used and talked about blogging platforms on the internet. Because of this, it has gained the interest of bloggers, hackers and corporate marketing douche bags...
Blogger vs WordPress vs Tumblr Comparison - 2012 13 May 2012 | 02:00 am
Blogger VS Wordpress 24 Apr 2011 | 06:03 pm
Blogger. Ya, Kalimat yang sudah Tidak Asing Lagi Untuk Online mania. Yang hampir semua Orang Indonesia mengenalinya. Nah! Pada pertemuan kita kali ini, Turbo a.k.a Tutorial Bloggers akan ... Kunjungi...
Hostgator Review and 25% Off Coupon 12 Aug 2012 | 12:12 pm
A while back I finally made the move to a self-hosted WordPress blog for one of the niches I target. At some point I may talk more about Blogger vs WordPress. For now I'll just say I have really enj...