Most bob chapman forecast 2007 related news are at:
– Talk Radio With Meria | The Mouth That Roars | Speaking the Truth Since 2000
Meria Delivers The News 26 Aug 2013 | 11:38 pm
8/26/13 Meria Delivers the News: Another RUSH to war based on lies; gas attack? who supplied the rebels; Syria, Iran,Russia warn US to not intervene; chemical weapons attack reported a day BEFORE it h...
Meria Delivers The News 23 Aug 2013 | 12:01 am
8/22/13 Meria Delivers the News: Wildfires across West, running out of money to fight them; NSA lies; Bradley Mannings sentence; Mubarak freed; CME on it’s way; UPS cuts benefits; Zombie pigeons; Mex...
More bob chapman forecast 2007 related news:
Bob Chapman – International Forecaster 12 Feb 2011 | 11:47 am
words from the wise International Market Forecaster Bob Chapman Discusses the Bottom Line “Nothing to be concerned about – eventually what these exchanges are up too, is they are all Illuminati contro...