Most boxer dogs with bad manners related news are at:

How do you train a dog to attack and intruder or a thief on command? 27 Aug 2013 | 05:25 am
Question by psykoticmuzic: How do you train a dog to attack and intruder or a thief on command? I have a pitbull and a pitbull pup. I want to train them to be good gaurd dogs, but without being mean ...
Q&A: Should a trained dog still be confined to his crate when I am not home? 26 Aug 2013 | 12:25 pm
Question by Teen100: Should a trained dog still be confined to his crate when I am not home? If a dog is house trained and wont chew on things or jump on furniture should he be in his crate or can he...
More boxer dogs with bad manners related news:
FitDog Friday- Ike goes to School 16 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
Sometimes a Fit Dog must go to school. Since we adopted Ike from a situation where he basically had been allowed to get away with any behavior and bad manners, we knew we'd need to start from the very...
Welcome to the Web: J&S Boxers 16 Dec 2011 | 03:00 am
J&S Boxers, a local dog breeder, recently reached out to Clearsite for some help establishing an online presence. At Clearsite, we’ve worked with all manner of businesses and clients: ranging from pe...