Most brainstorm band latvia related news are at:

Off to final 3 this summer season's festivals! 2 Aug 2013 | 04:19 pm
Ladies and gentlemen! Officially we are off to the final three summer festivals this season! We will be at "Kubana" (Russia) on 3rd of August, "Krilja" (Russia) on 4th of August and will finish at "Sz...
Prata Vetra performs Glastonbury Festival setlist on Russia's TV. 9 Jul 2013 | 01:01 pm
Last weekend Prata Vetra performed their Glastonbury Festival setlist on Russia's TV channel " Дождь". Watch the video!
More brainstorm band latvia related news:
Ветер Brainstorm 20 Dec 2010 | 04:54 am
It's one of my favorite russian band.
Get Yourself Brainstorm 7 Dec 2010 | 07:41 am
Russian band, alternative pop music. Ты не один. В сердце не держу я, Что однажды простил, и случайно открыл это небо в никуда. Ты не один там, где тень ночует. Тем, кто не спит, на заре предстоит ух...
OSW: Love Seasons 3 Oct 2012 | 08:31 pm
First Choice, Sharon Bryant, Leroy Burgess, Odyssey, Skyy, Rene And Angela, BBQ Band, Manzel, Groove Theory, Liz Hogue, Zoom, Twennynine, Angela Bofill, and Brainstorm.
TONIGHT! Autogen (Latvia) at Ikebukuro Chop with 2Bullet! 18 Feb 2013 | 11:14 am
Sorry, I was going to post this on the weekend, but I had to do things in order to eat. It’s Monday, but something good is happening in Tokyo! It’s dark, got industrial bands and now, best of all (for...
Prāta Vētra @Tallinn Music Week. 9 Apr 2013 | 04:45 pm
Last weekend Prāta Vētra had two gigs at annual "Tallinn Music Week" festival in Estonia. First band took a stage at Latvia's Music Export office reception for international delegates that was foll...