Most bureau of the royal household related news are at:

IBus-LibThai 0.1.1 Released 11 Jul 2013 | 12:34 pm
Changes from 0.1.0 Map keyboard scan codes directly instead of relying on XKB key symbols, to avoid unexpected double-mapping on ASCII characters in Thai layouts. Download
Babel-Thai 1.0.0, No More ThaiLaTeX 31 May 2013 | 03:37 pm
Somewhat belated announcement, but better than never. ThaiLaTeX has been decomposed and pushed into mainstream. Here is how its components go: Emacs support has been dropped, as it's outdated and un...
More bureau of the royal household related news:
Rock-a-licious Web Design 15 Apr 2011 | 02:38 am
image 3image 4image 5 Design is Dead, purveyor to the royal household of many a major music festival, presents its latest rock-a-licious creation: the new website of Lokerse Feesten! When we do some...
Kate Middleton Topless 15 Sep 2012 | 10:30 am
Photos of what appear to be the Duchess of Cambridge cavorting topless with Prince William have surfaced online. According to the NY Times, Britain’s royal household began legal proceedings on Friday ...
HRH Prince Charles confirmed to attend The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 2013 in Sri Lanka 7 May 2013 | 07:11 pm
His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales with Dr. Chris Nonis at the CHOGM 2007, Kampala, Uganda The Royal Household today confirmed that His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Heir to the Throne, wil...
Dynamique Audio Celestial Speaker Cables, Zenith Interconnects, Firelight USB, and Infinite Power Cables 15 Jun 2013 | 05:00 am
The median household income in the US in 2011, according to the US Census Bureau, was $52,762. Household income. To me, that sounds like a pretty modest amount of money, but I find that such a perspec...
Technology Spending Doubles U.S. Consumer’s Spending On Entertainment 21 Nov 2005 | 06:02 am
According the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American spends more on entertainment than they do on gasoline, household furnishings and clothing combined, and nearly the same amount as spent o...
Go on Indian Wedding Tours to Experience Great Indian Royal Wedding 21 Apr 2012 | 01:04 am
Weddings in India are cultural and social extravaganza. In cities, it is an occasion for the entire household – for the cousins, second cousins, third cousins and their relatives to come together and ...
The king’s speech 23 Apr 2011 | 08:25 pm
The king’s speech megavideo – Exactly how related will be the Noble household, in any case? Around the a single palm, you might have the particular Royal prince regarding Wales’ automobile getting sme...
Splio renforce ses positions internationales avec l’ouverture d’un bureau au Brésil 3 Feb 2012 | 07:31 am
Après l’Espagne et la Chine, Splio, le spécialiste de la relation client multicanal, investit le marché sud-américain, avec l’ouverture d’un bureau à Sao Paulo. Le bureau est dirigé par Hadrien Royal...
Read This or I'm Switching to PHP 17 Dec 2011 | 07:51 am
(If you don't live in the US, you can skip it.) The US Census Bureau calculates that in 2008, 15% of US households were "food insecure". A slightly older version of that data is broken down by county...
Image-in goes Qatar 15 Mar 2012 | 02:55 am
Royal Haskoning, het internationaal actief technische adviesbureau, heeft onlangs een vestiging in Qatar geopend. Om de activiteiten van het bureau in Qatar te presenteren is Image-in om audiovisuele ...