Most cakephp supported databases related news are at:

More cakephp supported databases related news: IDE Update for Winter ’12 5 Nov 2011 | 04:38 am
The Winter ’12 release of the IDE now supports and the latest platform features (aka API v23.0). It’s available as a downloadable installer or through an Eclipse updat...
For Educators: Teach Entrepreneurship In Your High School 30 Jul 2009 | 04:13 am
Join NFTE’s nationally recognized team of teachers. Click here! Start a NFTE program in your school. Click here! Entrepreneur U. – The Kauffman Foundation’s support database for teaching entrepreneu...
Discover the Benefits of the new CASE Studio 2 version 2.21 6 Oct 2005 | 02:00 am
We are pleased to inform you that we're bringing out new version of CASE Studio 2 ? database modeling tool! New CS2 version 2.21 includes a lot of enhancements for already supported databases and, of...
CakePHP Missing Database Table Error 25 Jul 2009 | 01:07 pm
I am baking a new project management application at work and added a couple new tables to the database today. When I went into the console to bake the new models, they were not in the list… php /path...
How to not export data in Ispirer SQLWays 27 Sep 2012 | 12:14 am
Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum Ispirer SQLWays is a nice (although commercial) tool to convert DDL and data from one supported database to another. We are using it regularly, the list of supported databases...
Supported Databases 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
The connection to my application database does not work, is faulty or runs poorl[..]
Nieuwe AppleCare-site met livechat online 27 Aug 2013 | 05:09 pm
Apple heeft zijn support en AppleCare-website vernieuwd. In het nieuwe ontwerp is het eenvoudiger om door de support-database te bladeren. Er kan tevens contact opgenomen worden met AppleCare. Nieuw i...
Nieuwe AppleCare-site met livechat online 27 Aug 2013 | 05:09 pm
Apple heeft zijn support en AppleCare-website vernieuwd. In het nieuwe ontwerp is het eenvoudiger om door de support-database te bladeren. Er kan tevens contact opgenomen worden met AppleCare. Nieuw i...
Nieuwe AppleCare-site met livechat online 27 Aug 2013 | 05:09 pm
Apple heeft zijn support en AppleCare-website vernieuwd. In het nieuwe ontwerp is het eenvoudiger om door de support-database te bladeren. Er kan tevens contact opgenomen worden met AppleCare. Nieuw i...
Neo4j visualization with Gephi 17 Aug 2010 | 09:00 pm
During the summer Martin Škurla has developed support for the Neo4j graph database in the Gephi visualization and exploration platform. This Google Summer of Code project is now approaching its finish...