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More cara instal sql server 2000 related news:
Can Not Connect to SQL Server Named Instance Remotely? 18 Apr 2009 | 09:18 am
The other day I was told to install SQL Server 2000 on to a server that was already running SQL Server 2005. The 2005 version SQL server was running as the default instance on the server. So obviously...
Ekspor Stored Procedure SQL SERVER 2000 31 Aug 2010 | 05:09 pm
Dari pada kudu copy paste satu per satu bila ente mo migrasi database mending pake cara berikut 1. Buka Enterprise Manager 2. Pilih database yang akan di ekspor 3. Klik Tool -> Generate SQL Script (k...
How to Rename SQL Server Stand Alone Instance After Installing SQL Server 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
This article describes steps to be followed to rename SQL Server Stand Alone Instance After Installing SQL Server. The steps mentioned are applicable across SQL Server 2000 and higher versions.