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Kekasihku 7 Nov 2008 | 06:49 am
Kau adalah lilin tika malam mengelamkan alam biar cairanmu hangat menikam tapi ku pasrah kerana kudambakan cahayamu kau adalah bayang redup tika mentari memancarkan egonya biar aku sedikit sirna teng...
Перекличка 22 Aug 2008 | 06:18 pm
Члены Catany. Курсивом-не дееспособные, в скобках пол. Хозяин(М)-его считаем как в Catane но не дееспособным. Хозяйка(Ж) Мари(Ж) Маргана(Ж) Клауд(М) Лекс(М) Хаул(М) Шика(М) Лилу(Ж) Триша(Ж) Скрипач(М)...
Hanya lukisan 16 May 2010 | 12:00 pm
Suatu tika ketika di hujung jalan di bandar Phuket, ada terpanpam satu lukisan yang telah menarik perhatian saya. Saya pun berhenti seketika snap lah sekeping dua gambari. Melihatkan gambar ini terpik...
Video Tika Putri 10 Dec 2011 | 06:30 pm
Tika Putri Hastari or her nicknamed Tika Putri started his career in film started with a friend's invitation to attend the casting. The art world seem familiar to this girl.Tika Putri was born in Ban...
Achari Paneer Tikas Recipe 8 Nov 2011 | 09:38 pm
Ingredients : 2 cups paneer (cottage cheese) , cut into 25mm.(1") cubes For the achari marinade 3/4 cup curds, hung (chakka dahi) 1 tbsp green chilli pickle 1 tsp garlic (lehsun) 1 tsp fennel se...
Destinacion Brussels Airlines 15 Jun 2011 | 04:53 am
Brussels Airlines vos propose de voyage a des destination comme Praga, Catane, Oslo, Varsovie, Vilnius, Manchester, Londres, Athénes, Barcelone, BerlinTegel, Bilbao, Birmingham, Bologne, Bristol, Buda...
Berserk Otrās filmas Ekskluzīvi video un Blood-C The Last Dark pirmās 8 minūtes. 29 May 2012 | 08:24 pm
Berserk pirmā filma tika 23.maijā un relīzes iekļāva īpašu 1minūtes tīzeri otrajai filmai(Berserk Golden Age Arc II The Capture of Doldrey kura startāes Japānā jūnijā. un 5min preview ar re-cap no pir...
Governor of Poker 3 May 2012 | 03:19 am
I was at a friend’s house over the weekend and we were playing poker to kill some time. Well, they tried to convince me to play Settlers of Catan, which I couldn’t really get into right away, so I qui...
The Settlers of Catan review 23 Feb 2012 | 09:14 pm
you're want to buy The Settlers of Catan,yes ..! you comes at the right place. you can get special discount for The Settlers of Catan.You can choose to buy a product and The Settlers of Catan at the B...
kau.. 24 Dec 2009 | 03:38 pm
kau hadir.. tika ku duka.. tika ku sesat dalam pencarian.. tika ku cari..kasih sayang tika ku perlu kan sentuh belaian menyintaimu.. sepenuh hatiku.. sepenuh jiwaku.. seumur hidupku.. harapanku.. me...