Most centurion bicycle catalog related news are at: – The Blue Mountains

What is a neutral start? 9 Mar 2011 | 05:02 am

What is a neutral start? A neutral start is used at the beginning of all Centurion Cycling events to create a parade atmosphere for fans as the event gets underway. After this short distance, a signa...

How does traffic control work? 9 Mar 2011 | 05:02 am

How does traffic control work? Riders will all start together and during the early portion of the event will be able to use both sides of the road in what is known as a rolling enclosure, which means...

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Paioli il Formicone BMX bicycle catalog 8 Jul 2013 | 05:00 pm

 Francesco Moser was paid to sponsor this wacky BMX bike that could be modified into a tandem. Produced in Bologna Italy by Paioli. Also below are 2 images from the US patent, dated April 15th, 1986. ...

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