Most check reverse dns related news are at:
MySQL : Altering Huge Tables 7 Dec 2010 | 11:31 pm
You have a huge mysql table - maybe 100 GB. And you need to run alter on it - to either add an index, drop an index, add a column or drop a column. If you run the simple mysql "alter table" command, y...
mysql-packages 13 Sep 2010 | 09:13 pm
The RPM packages usages and details: Ø MySQL-server-VERSION.glibc23.i386.rpm - The MySQL server. You need this unless you only want to connect to a MySQL server running on another machine. Ø MySQL-c...
More check reverse dns related news:
Membuat Reverse DNS - IP Address Nama 5 Mar 2011 | 12:13 pm
db.yourIPreversed /etc/bind/db.yourIPreversed is the file responsible for reverse DNS, finding a host's domain name from its IP address. /etc/bind/db.yourIPreversed adalah file bertanggung jawab un...
Demand the Best Reverse Phone Look-up and Background checking: Get Professional Results 12 Aug 2011 | 04:39 am
Every day professional investigators and law enforcement are researching more and more background checks, reverse phone number lookups, and financial searches and achieving results faster than ever be...
How to Setup & Configure Postfix Email – VPS BIBLE Pt 10 19 Jun 2012 | 09:23 pm
guvnrDOTcom asked: Part 10: How to install an email function for the Linux server, installing Postfix, changing the hostname and setting reverse DNS (RDNS). Tutorial series index at Enjoy!
How to bypass OS X Lion’s reverse DNS lookup order to resolve slow local host lookups 11 Jul 2012 | 04:10 am
You may have noticed, that Mac OS X Lion needs incredibly long to resolve local domains defined in your /etc/hosts file – it takes up to five seconds to be precise. Developing webpages on your local w...
Reverse DNS (rDNS): apa memang perlu? 27 Jul 2012 | 03:05 am
Sempat mendapat jawaban email kita di reject? Catatan ini muncul karena email saya ada yang di reject oleh beberapa mail server. Contohnya mail server, juga menggunakan rDNS untuk 'menyapi...
How to Enable Amazon AWS EC2 PTR Record or Reverse DNS 3 Jan 2013 | 03:43 am
Reverse DNS needed because server need to be authenticated when sending email or for SSL transaction. The problem for the PTR in Amazon AWS EC2 is when we do query on IP for example the ...
554 5.7.1 Client host rejected: cannot find your reverse hostname, [moje ipv6] — problem z rDNS 8 Mar 2013 | 10:07 pm
Ostatnio na serwerze produkcyjnym nękał mnie problem wysyłania poczty na serwer który posiada ipv6 – dostawałem zwrotki ze względu na to że serwer docelowy sprawdzał rdns – reverse dns czy dany IP dzi...
[Web] How to Check Your DNS Propagation Status 13 Mar 2013 | 04:29 pm
IntoDNS checks the health and configuration and provides DNS report and mail servers report. And provides suggestions to fix and improve them, with references to protocols’ official documentation. htt...
Tips Improvement : PTR Records/Reverse DNS untuk Meningkatkan Reputasi Mail Server 16 Aug 2013 | 07:30 am
Catatan : Artikel ini merupakan bagian kelima dari seri artikel Improvement Mail Server. Artikel sebelumnya bisa dibaca pada link berikut : Artikel pertama : Tantangan & Masalah dalam Proses Setup Ma...
MX01 SmarterMail Upcoming Scheduled Maintenance 24 Aug 2013 | 02:33 am
We will be upgrading the MX01 SmarterMail installation to the new development build provided to us by SmarterTools to fix and further log an issue with reverse DNS at 11PM MST (12AM CST / 5AM GMT). We...