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cross-pollination 25 Jul 2011 | 01:04 am
While the Mountain Man, the Pie and I are out in the wilderness today, check out some goodies in my other space, including a guest post from Laurie in Churchill Manitoba: http://newsuburbanhomestead.b...
Polar Bear encounters for Group Travelers in Manitoba 10 Jan 2013 | 09:00 pm
Groups traveling to Churchill, Manitoba can encounter polar bears, watch for whales, view the northern lights, and experience nature at its most pristine. Photos by Tieguo Wang and music is Little Lon...
The Whales, Trails, and Polar Bear Tales Contest is Back! 21 Mar 2013 | 11:09 pm
In April 2011, Earth Rangers launched the Whales, Trails, and Polar Bear Tales contest. Four families of four were whisked away to Churchill, Manitoba, where they experienced the wonders of the Canadi...
A few pics of Huskies in Churchill Manitoba 15 May 2013 | 01:43 pm
A few pics of husky dogs I saw while cruising around the few roads that exist in Churchill Manitoba. Huskies are generally used for pulling sleds up north across the snow and tundra and are known for ...
Kanadische Eskimohunde Welpen Churchill 2 Jul 2013 | 10:16 am
Zwei weiche, kleine Welpen der Kanadischen Eskimo Hunde Rasse liegen in ihrer Hundehütte in Churchill, Manitoba an der Hudson Bay in Kanada, eng aneinander gekuschelt.
Kanadischer Eskimohund 1 Jul 2013 | 09:18 am
Gut getarnt im Schnee ist dieser weiße Kanadische Eskimohund, der an der Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba, Kanada, lebt und drauf wartet endlich los rennen zu dürfen.
Polarlichter Aurora Borealis Churchill Manitoba Kanada 28 Jun 2013 | 10:06 am
Lichterschatten in grünen Farben ziehen ihre Bahnen am Himmel über Churchill in der kanadischen Stadt Churchill in Manitoba.
Niki Ashton: “Greetings to the Founding Congress of SYRIZA” 13 Jul 2013 | 08:19 am
Niki Ashton is Greek-Canadian and also the NDP member of parliament for Churchil, Manitoba.
See Churchill on the Cheap with Tundra House Hostel 30 Oct 2012 | 04:04 pm
When a new hostel opens up in Canada, particularly those in unique or new settings, I can’t help but get excited. In the small town of Churchill, Manitoba, home of the polar bears, belugas, and all th...
8 Reasons I Can’t Get Churchill Off My Mind 23 Oct 2012 | 06:00 pm
This summer I had the opportunity to travel to the mecca of arctic adventures. Churchill, Manitoba – home of the polar bears, the belugas, tundra buggy’s, zodiac adventures, and some of the friendlies...