Most citizen satellite wave related news are at:

Citizen anticipa: in Italia da Settembre Satellite Air e AltiChron 22 Aug 2013 | 06:47 pm
Pare ormai definitiva la scelta di Citizen di introdurre a partire dal mese di Settembre 2013, sia l’annunciato AltiChron Cirrus, l’altimetro analogico annunciato a Basilea, che la serie dei nuovi oro...
We-Wood: un Orologio, un Albero, un Pianeta 21 Aug 2013 | 06:25 pm
E’ molto eloquente lo slogan di We-Wood, il brand orologiero votato alla salvaguardia della Natura. Un Orologio, un Albero, un Pianeta, significa proprio quello che si legge, ovvero che con l’acquist...
More citizen satellite wave related news:
I nuovi Citizen Satellite Wave Air 2013 e i Citizen Eco-Drive Altichron 17 May 2013 | 02:22 am
Anche quest’anno, come consuetudine tra aprile e maggio, si è tenuto il "Salone mondiale dell'orologeria" a Basilea: l’appuntamento più importante per gli operatori del comparto orologiero. E naturalm...
CITIZEN Satellite Wave-Air CC1054-56E 14 Aug 2013 | 04:34 pm
Bald gibt es auch in der Schweiz die ersten Satelliten gesteuerten Funk-Solaruhren. Artikel-Nr: CC1054-56E | Ø: 49.5mm | h: 18.8mm Die Funkuhr sucht die nächstgelegenen der 24 Navigationssatelliten...
CITIZEN Satellite Wave-Air CC1054-56E 14 Aug 2013 | 04:34 pm
Bald gibt es auch in der Schweiz die ersten Satelliten gesteuerten Funk-Solaruhren. Artikel-Nr: CC1054-56E | Ø: 49.5mm | h: 18.8mm Die Funkuhr sucht die nächstgelegenen der 24 Navigationssatelliten...
Citizen EcoDrive Satellite Wave: спутниковые часы 23 May 2011 | 09:56 am
citizen ecodrive satellite wave Ценишь точность во всём? Значит, твои часы должны показывать время с точностью до десятой доли секунды. И вовсе не обязательно, чтобы это был швейцарский хронометр с ц...
Satellite Wave Air e AltiChron: è giunta l’ora! 21 Aug 2013 | 07:52 pm
Probabilmente Citizen Italia, attraverso i suoi “pezzi da 90″ Enrico Bolletta e Marcello Borsetti, ha fatto valere tutto il suo peso politico presso la sede centrale. Non si spiega diversamente lo sbl...
RNM: Satellite Technology Used to Control Your MindSatellite Series Article III 6 Mar 2012 | 08:30 pm
Enhanced satellite surveillance and control systems have been deployed around the world under the guise of “terrorist suppression” and are currently being used against common citizens in an effort to ...
Wave Micromachined Tunable Filter 4 May 2012 | 12:11 am
The motivations for developing tunable filters might be traced to three factors: cost, weight, and power dissipation. In modern satellite communications, for instance, where an enormous number of filt...
NAVSOP 4 Jul 2012 | 05:44 am
A new system have been developed to protect military vehicles from GPS jamming by using already existing radio waves to locate rather than relying on GPS satellite signals. The system uses cell phone,...
Fierce Tales: The Dog's Heart Collector's Edition 7 Jul 2012 | 08:00 am
The citizens of Houndspoint have always loved and trusted their canine companions, but a recent wave of coordinated attacks by a pack of strange dogs has thrown the snowy mountain town into a state of...
Fierce Tales: The Dog's Heart 28 Jul 2012 | 04:00 am
The citizens of Houndspoint have always loved and trusted their canine companions, but a recent wave of coordinated attacks by a pack of strange dogs has thrown the snowy mountain town into a state of...