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More click track ad clicks code related news:
GoTryThis2 – link cloaking and click tracking service with no competition 16 Jun 2010 | 01:30 am
I logged in to my link/click tracking system the other day and discovered that another new feature has just been added. And that has inspired me to talk about this earlier than I'd planned. This...
Disabling right click menu in a web page 31 Dec 2009 | 04:22 pm
Some websites does not allow right click context menu option for security reasons, you can also achieve this by adding following code to your body tag of the page. Alternatively, you can show an aler...
Text link click tracking in your emails, articles, web site and campaigns. 12 Feb 2013 | 12:13 am
You need to add urls in admin panel. Once you have added the urls, script gives you a special link which you can keep in emails or web sites to track the clicks.
Banner link click tracking in your emails, articles, web site and campaigns 12 Feb 2013 | 01:08 am
You need to add urls and image links in admin panel. Once you have added, script gives you a special link which you can keep in emails or web sites to track the clicks of banners.
Affiliate link click tracking in your emails, articles, web site and campaigns 12 Feb 2013 | 01:10 am
You need to add your affiliate code in admin panel. Once you have added, script gives you a special link which you can keep in emails or web sites to track the clicks of your affiliate code. Your visi...
Adding code for a clickable button to a URL in Flash 22 Nov 2010 | 09:00 pm
Doing some simple things in ActionScript 3 like adding a button that clicks to a URL have gotten more complicated. Here's a simple piece of code that allows you to make a button click to a URL.
Clickingtracking is inaccurate! 27 May 2012 | 04:49 am
adrotate wrong click tracking.jpg (Size: 34.53 KB / Downloads: 4) As seen in the image above, click tracking with ContextWeb ad code is simply in accurate. The click tracking feature works on other...
How to Guarantee You Are Paid for Every Click 5 Mar 2012 | 07:41 am
Did you know that can guarantee that you are paid for every single click you send to 1upAds? The way to do this is to simply edit your ad placement and then enter in your ad code for your alternative...
Download Songs 24 Sep 2007 | 09:07 am
New songs added everyday! Legend: GHI GHII GHII Downloadable Custom Ace of Spades GHI Track/GHII Downloadable Track Click here to download! All Of This GHI Bonus Track Click here to download! ...
Adding meta tags to blogger 27 Jan 2010 | 10:23 pm
Adding meta tags to blogger(blogspot) blogs,websites-SEO Sign in to your blogger dashboard>click the 'layout' button Click on the 'Edit html' tab Here is the code you have to add <meta content='DES...