Most coas maramureş romania related news are at:

Săpânţa - Avem cel mai frumos "loc de odihnă" din lume 2 Nov 2012 | 02:30 am
România a ajuns şi pe primul loc într-un top, dar este vorba de un clasament al cimitirelor. Francezii au decis că cel mai frumos "loc de odihnă" din lume este cimitirul Săpânţa de la noi din ţară, sc...
Sarbatori de iarna in MARAMURES !!! 1 Nov 2012 | 07:21 pm
CRACIUN TRADITIONAL IN MARAMURES - Veniti turisti, plecati prieteni- Desfasurarea programului : Ziua 1 (22 Decembrie 2012) Primirea turistilor intr-un cadru tipic maramuresenesc, de catre reprezentan...
More coas maramureş romania related news:
In obsteasca traditie 1 Mar 2012 | 04:33 am
Maramures... un loc in care traditia reuseste sa se pastreze intr-o forma autentica, asa cum rar se mai intampla in Romania. Aceasta este prima parte a seriei "In obsteasca traditie", serie din care, ...
Maramures, the Region Where the Time Has Stopped for Decades 13 Mar 2012 | 07:03 pm
Folded into the Mara and Izei valleys in northern Romania is time-warped Maramures, a pastoral area where the medieval lifestyle persists untouched by the dynamic transformations that are occurring in...
Happy and Cheerful Place for Afterlife 24 Jul 2012 | 11:55 am
A special attraction of Maramures district, in the Republic of Romania, is the Merry Cemetery, a happy and cheerful place for afterlife. Merry cemetery is located in the village of Sapanca, which was...
Suzuki Sidekick Expedition Romania-Maramures 2012 24 Nov 2012 | 04:38 pm
6 dni w górach Maramuresz dwoma Suzukami Sidekick. Wyprawa pod hasłem “Góry przede wszystkim” : Muntii Ignis, Muntii Gutai, Muntii Maramuresului, Muntii Tibles, Muntii Rodnei
Traveler to Romania, walking in Transylvania and Maramures counties 15 Jun 2013 | 03:39 pm
Traveler to Romania, walking in Transylvania and Maramures counties What is meaning to travel to Romania? Why to travel to Romania? I try to answer to the second question first. I hear so many times t...