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Barnes and Noble backtrack on colour tablets 27 Jun 2013 | 02:47 pm
Barnes and Noble took on Apple Inc and Inc with a colour tablet and lost. After sustaining heavy losses following the release of their colour Nook, Barnes and Noble Inc have announced that ...
Payday loans can be good for you 26 Mar 2013 | 09:26 pm
For those of us who are paid on a monthly basis, the days before the next paycheque can be a worry. Bills have to be paid, life goes on, and money is inevitably tight, but what about those life emerge...
More comcast buys nbc related news:
NBCU-Comcast Merger: Sweetheart Deal or Regulatory Shakedown? 31 Jan 2011 | 03:14 pm
The FCC’s recent approval, by a 4-1 margin, of the merger between Comcast and NBC Universal effectively transforms the nation’s biggest cable company into its largest media company as well. The $30 bi...
Comcast buys BuddyTV 18 Sep 2007 | 02:03 am
The acquisitions continue. From PaidContent: "Seattle-based BuddyTV, a TV community site, is being acquired by Comcast (NSDQ: CMCSA), has learned from sources. BuddyTV took a loan of...
Comcast to buy NBC stake, net profit rises 18% 13 Feb 2013 | 06:34 am
Comcast Corp. (CMCSA, CMCSK) said it will buy General Electric Co.’s GE [...]
Comcast Buys Rest of NBC’s Parent 14 Feb 2013 | 04:44 am
Article Excerpt Comcast Buys Rest of NBC’s Parent BY MARTIN PEERS, JOHN JANNARONE AND KATE LINEBAUGH Comcast Corp., in a bullish bet on traditional entertainment, is buying General Electric Co.’s 49% ... showing The Office Webisodes 10 Jul 2008 | 03:57 am today announced that "The Office" webisodes will go live on Thursday, July 10th at 3pm (ET) on The second series of webisodes for this popular NBC comedy are sponsored by Comcast, Son...
After approving NBC buyout, FCC Commish becomes Comcast lobbyist 12 May 2011 | 01:33 pm
Outrageous. This kind of blatant corporatism is exactly what's going on with Monsanto, the FDA and Michael Taylor too: read more
‘Fear Factor’ — NBC Debating Donkey Semen … Episode in Jeopardy 29 Jan 2012 | 03:42 pm
The world may never see "Fear Factor" contestants chugging donkey semen -- corporate heads at NBC and its parent company Comcast are having serious 11th hour talks about pulling the episode.As first r...
Comcast/NBC-U Merger: Postponed 3 Mar 2011 | 10:33 am
Image courtesy of The Washington Post “THE COMCAST/NBC UNIVERSAL MERGER: WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU, YOUR BUSINESS AND YOUR LIFE?” Due to a last minute scheduling conflict, we have been forced to can...
ผลประโยชน์ทับซ้อนของ กทช. สหรัฐ 13 May 2011 | 06:56 pm
Meredith Attwell Baker หนึ่งใน กทช. สหรัฐ (FCC) จากโควต้าของพรรครีพับลิกัน ประกาศแผนลาออกจาก กทช. เพื่อไปทำงานล็อบบี้ให้กับบริษัทเคเบิลทีวี Comcast-NBC เมื่อต้นปี Comcast เพิ่งประกาศแผนการควบกิจการกั...
Fusion controversée Comcast/NBC 25 Jan 2011 | 09:18 am
yvesthiran 87% des parlementaires US favorables à la fusion controversée Comcast/NBC ont reçu de l'argent de Comcast #politics2011 Lire aussi: La décision de nommer un commissai...