Most conservative refocus related news are at:

Million Muslim March Leaders Employ Islamic Subterfuge to Hijack "2 Million Bikers to DC" Rally 26 Aug 2013 | 04:02 am
Conservative Refocus By Barry Secrest While the "Million Muslim March on DC" has fueled a wide range of US reactions, major event organizers for a rival US protest group were treated to a rather rem...
The Warm Winds of Summer's Wreckage: On Racial Beatings, Climate Hoaxes and Re-Educated Rodeo Clowns 19 Aug 2013 | 06:07 am
Conservative Refocus By Barry Secrest This week saw a number of original Conservative Refocus News and Report articles shoot off into the stratosphere, shattering every former record ever set on Con...
More conservative refocus related news:
Million Muslim March Leaders Employ Islamic Subterfuge to Hijack "2 Million Bikers to DC" Rally 26 Aug 2013 | 04:02 am
Conservative Refocus By Barry Secrest While the "Million Muslim March on DC" has fueled a wide range of US reactions, major event organizers for a rival US protest group were treated to a rather rem...
The Warm Winds of Summer's Wreckage: On Racial Beatings, Climate Hoaxes and Re-Educated Rodeo Clowns 19 Aug 2013 | 06:07 am
Conservative Refocus By Barry Secrest This week saw a number of original Conservative Refocus News and Report articles shoot off into the stratosphere, shattering every former record ever set on Con...
Who Are the True Insurgents? Charles Krauthammer Runs with the Beltway Herd 8 Aug 2013 | 05:27 am
A Rebuttal Conservative Refocus By Barry Secrest As with virtually most Conservatives, we always enjoy reading what Charles Krauthammer has to say and in his most recent opinion, we were not disapp...
Police State: British and US Governments Now Struggling over Questions of Medical Care and Military Security 31 Jul 2013 | 04:54 am
Conservative Refocus By Barry Secrest Isn't is simply fascinating how many so-called "Democratic" governments seem to be turning their defensive postures away from external military threats and inw...
The Black Death: Decoded 24 Jul 2013 | 04:23 am
Conservative Refocus By Barry Secrest The President and his faithful troupe of media stenographers first leveled their condemnatory mob-glance towards private citizen George Zimmerman only shortly a...
What A Fool Believes: Obama and Justice Department Revise Free Press Search Warrant Directives 14 Jul 2013 | 02:24 am
Conservative Refocus By Barry Secrest That smirk from Holder pretty much says it all....Did anyone catch the irony in the title, by the way? When the Huffington Post, among numerous other media out...
The Penalty of Hope and Change: An Earthquake of Chaos 4 Jul 2013 | 04:09 am
Conservative Refocus By Barry Secrest Sometimes being right is not necessarily a good thing, and right about now is one of those "sometimes." For instance, the twists and turns of information comin...
Of Rattlesnakes and Hawks: A Rebuttal to Michael Gerson's "Going Too Far in NSA Criticism" 25 Jun 2013 | 04:21 am
Conservative Refocus Barry Secrest It's no longer a secret, at least not for most of our regular readers, that whenever we elect to refute former Bush Speechwriter and Tea Party-hating, faux- Republ...
US Congressman: Has Classified NSA Data Been Made Available to Obama and the Democrats? (Youtube) 22 Jun 2013 | 03:15 am
Conservative Refocus Barry Secrest In a radio interview with Glenn Beck, Rep. Steve King has indicated that a Democrat strategist has described to him the fact that the Obama Regime: "knew what web...
Homeland Insecurity: America's Sacrificial Offering of Liberty 11 Jun 2013 | 03:09 am
Conservative Refocus By Barry Secrest It was Benjamin Franklin who uttered these immortal words when the question of security was weighed against individual Liberty at the founding of the nation: H...