Most convert blogger to wordpress related news are at:

I need help with 12 Aug 2013 | 05:17 pm is kind of stuck. I haven't done much to it in the last six months or so. Well, I've fixed six bugs, but I haven't released them because I want to fix more. In particular, I want to fix t...
How many instructions in a print statement? 17 Jul 2013 | 06:42 am
Hanging out in IRC channels, you see a lot of the same discussions pop up over and over again. One involves people who want to be "close to the metal." Either they want "no dependencies" (other than P...
More convert blogger to wordpress related news:
Playing Around With Easy Content Units & WordPress To Mitigate Duplication 17 Feb 2010 | 06:23 am
So I’m going to do a bigger post on the process of moving from Blogger to WordPress and all the bits and bobs, stresses and headaches that go with it. But here’s just a quick one for those people that...
Blogger Offers Transparent Navigation Styles 3 Nov 2009 | 11:26 am
One of the biggest problems with services like Blogger and WordPress is the amount of work you have to put into the whole deal to get a blog that looks the way you want it. And no matter how simple of...
¿Por qué migrar de Blogger a Wordpress? 9 Jun 2008 | 10:17 pm
Son muchos los solicitantes de la promoción Jóvenes En Red que se han decidido a solicitar su dominio para poder utilizarlo n su blog de Blogger / Blogspot. Pero, ¿por qué no hacer uso también del alo...
I am Moving to Wordpress from Blogger! 30 Jan 2011 | 06:01 am
All comments are closing right now but will reopen after the move! ANNOUNCEMENT: I am going to be making the leap and switching to from Blogger to Wordpress! While I am doing so I am going to be chan...
Blogger VS Wordpress 24 Apr 2011 | 10:03 pm
Blogger. Ya, Kalimat yang sudah Tidak Asing Lagi Untuk Online mania. Yang hampir semua Orang Indonesia mengenalinya. Nah! Pada pertemuan kita kali ini, Turbo a.k.a Tutorial Bloggers akan ... Kunjungi...
Super Cute Free Blogger Template 5 Jan 2012 | 08:41 pm
A few weeks ago I made the decision to build an online shop for June Lily that will include cute printables, premade logos and premade templates for Blogger and WordPress. It’s still under constructio...
Compact RSS Subscribe Widget For Blogger And WordPress 30 May 2012 | 07:01 am
Compact RSS Subscribe Widget for those who use Blogger and WordPress. Today i am going to give you an mashable style widget, in this widget there are five features i.e G+ profile, Facebook Page, Googl...
WP Media Converter – A Premium WordPress Plugin 6 Nov 2011 | 03:00 pm
Minimum Requierments: Over 95% of Servers Have These. 1. PHP: 5.1.0 2. FFMPEG: Free 3. WordPress: Free 4. Ion Cube Loader: Free 5. MySQL 5+ Free 6. cURL 6+ Free Benefit Feature #1: Runs on 100%...
13 Tips to Protect Your Wordpress Blog 15 Jul 2009 | 06:51 pm
Unlike blogger blogspot, Wordpress is more susceptible to be hacked and securing it is the top priority. This article will outlines a lot of different ways to secure your wordpress blog from the insta...
Why Blogger Overshines WordPress ??? 19 Apr 2012 | 05:44 am
Everyday thousand newbie's starts blogging but they have a real big problem choosing the platform. There are so many blogging platform but the two main fighters are Blogger and WordPress. Many people ...