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Ghost Cupcakes Tutorial 13 Oct 2012 | 06:53 am

Here is an extremely easy but very cute cupcake idea for any of your child's parties this Halloween.  Make it even more fun and decorate with your son or daughter!  I made these with my son and he was...

Reader Photo: Mummy Cake by Lucy 13 Oct 2012 | 06:23 am

Lucy did a great job with this Mummy Cake.  She used my tutorial to do it!  You made me proud Lucy.  What's even better is that this cake wasn't for Halloween (Sorry it took me so long to post this Lu...

More cottage food law nj related news:

Virginia Home Bakery Guidelines 3 Oct 2012 | 08:27 am

Virginia is a state that has a cottage food law Cottage Law which allows its citizens to operate a home based bakery or food processing business.

Updates on The Cottage Food Law: Licenses, ordinances, and the Board Of Supervisors 11 Apr 2013 | 01:54 am

The Cottage Food Law, which allows the homemade production and sale of certain foods, was passed on Jan 1st. I was so excited because I assumed that people would be able to start getting permits right...

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