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digital dualism, information physics, and natural process 15 Mar 2013 | 06:03 pm
There’s been an increasing brouhaha in blogs and on Twitter over “digital dualism”; Whitney Boesel summarizes it adroitly here (while also pointing out an asymmetry in citations of female theorists in...
emptiness and buddhahood 6 Nov 2012 | 01:35 am
Buddhism is a peculiar tradition in that, unlike most spiritual or religious traditions, it emphasizes not only the emptiness of objects and things, but even the emptiness of its own teleology, in a c...
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How To Set Up Gmail In Outlook 2010 With IMAP 17 Dec 2009 | 04:49 am
As much as I like Gmail’s web interface, sometimes I would prefer to format the email in a desktop client. Outlook 2010 also comes with a lot of advantages and benefits over web based clients such as ...