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More cpi july price related news:
Food Price Outlook 26 May 2012 | 02:00 am
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures price changes for all consumer goods and services, including food, whereas the CPI for food measures the changes in the retail prices of only food items. The CP...
Zoom H6 – 6 track digital audio recorder 16 Jun 2013 | 05:51 am
Zoom’s Heavier-Duty H6 Audio Recorder Coming in July Priced at $400
4th of July Event 28 Jun 2013 | 09:22 pm
DON'T WAIT - get 4th of July pricing NOW! At Furniture On Consignment and Ashley HomeStore in Wichita. Tags: Business Wire, Ashley HomeStore, fourth of july, 4th of July, Entertainment Culture, Furni...
P0141 - Consumer Price Index (CPI), July 2013 21 Aug 2013 | 01:00 pm
The headline inflation rate in July 2013 (i.e. the Consumer Price Index for all urban areas in July 2013 compared with that at July 2012) was 6,3% The official inflation rate (i.e. the percentage cha...
July price rise hits fuel sales 23 Aug 2013 | 02:45 pm
Recent fuel price rises caused a major slump in pump use in July as sales dropped to the kind of levels normally seen in winter, according to the AA. Motorists put 1.48 billion litr...
California Home Sales Higher in July; Price Gains Continue Strong But Tapering says A.A.R. 23 Aug 2013 | 09:42 pm
California’s housing market bounced back after a slight dip in June to reach the highest level since May 2012, as home prices continued to post strong annual gains and home sales recorded the first an...
Skewmorphism 3 Aug 2013 | 11:08 am
Despite collapsing sales after our mortgage changes last July, prices have stayed on a relatively sedate course in Victoria. Declining slowly at a couple to a few percent a year, but stubbornly holdi...
new products and updates 17 Jul 2013 | 03:07 pm
5-EAPB powder will be in stock Thursday 17th July , prices to follow, but it is expected to be no more than 6-apb was when available. 5-EAPB pellets are still in stock and proving popular. New 5-meo...
Regarding Domain Name Pricing 2 Jul 2010 | 10:54 am
Dear Valued Client, Earlier this year, VeriSign Registry announced that they would be raising prices for selected domain name extensions on July 1st, 2010. Unfortunately, this decision impacts us and...
COOL-ER eReader gets second wind with Elonex partnership, promises color E-Ink next year 10 Sep 2010 | 03:47 am
Elonex's color eReader that was shown at IFA (image from Pocket-lint) Amidst all the pricing shakeup that happened in July, it had looked like Interead, makers of the COOL-ER line of eReaders, wo...