Most curl gd related news are at:

log bytes error: apache can not start 19 Oct 2009 | 08:19 pm
log bytes error: apache can not start, /usr/local/apache/libexec/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Continue reading →
postgres ERROR: role “username” does not exist 19 Oct 2009 | 08:09 pm
postgres ERROR: role "username" does not exist Error from postgres wrapper: PostgreSQL has not been configured by the administrator. Unable to locate pgpass file. Continue reading →
More curl gd related news:
onArcade system requirements 9 Dec 2011 | 03:35 pm
System requirements PHP 4.4+ MySQL 4.1+ Recommended PHP 5.2+ PHP allow_url_fopen enabled or cURL GD library with FreeType library mod_rewrite mod_expires
Trendiest Hairstyles by Jennifer Aniston and Halle Berry 2012 18 Nov 2011 | 02:49 am
Trendiest Hairstyles by Jennifer Aniston and Halle Berry 2012 Halle’s signature pixie is cut very close to the head softly curled and wavy, slightly spiked-up at the crown, with a lot of texture give...
Posting Status Twitter Menggunakan Perintah curl di Terminal Linux 8 Feb 2010 | 12:00 pm
Lagi-lagi membahas Twitter, namun kali ini lagi-lagi khusus untuk pengguna Linux. Terus apa hubungannya Linux sama Twitter? Dalam posting sebelumnya pun saya membahas beberapa aplikasi client Twitter...
Web fonts finally 18 Dec 2010 | 01:52 pm
Gone are the days where GD and ImageMagick were the tools of choice to render text dynamically. I started to use my own php scripts in 2002 and used them up to 05. Menus only. Headlines of certain len...
Save images from Url 8 Dec 2010 | 04:14 am
Using Curl you can easily get a picture from an url. This technique isn't used very often but when you combine it with the new socialgraph API from facebook you can very easily create interactive face...
Medina régale encore 9 Nov 2011 | 01:40 am
SURF/WORLD TOUR (Rip Curl Pro Search) On avait laissé Gabriel Medina surclassé, dimanche au round 4 du Rip Curl Pro Search à San Francisco, par un Kelly Slater inarrêtable et bien décidé à officialis...
Slater préfère en rire 5 Nov 2011 | 09:45 am
SURF/WORLD TOUR (Rip Curl Pro Search) En apprenant la nouvelle, Kelly Slater (photo) a d'abord cru à une (mauvaise) blague. Avant de préférer en rire. Jaune certainement tant la bévue de l’Association...
Indétrônable "Ke11y" Slater ! 3 Nov 2011 | 10:10 am
Inoxydable Kelly Slater qui, à 39 ans, remporte un onzième titre mondial. Photo archives Julien Ajarry SURF/WORLD TOUR (Rip Curl Pro Search) KS10 est dépassé, vive King "Ke11yS" ! En décrochant, ce m...
Direct : Slater, sacre annoncé 2 Nov 2011 | 01:49 am
SURF/WORLD TOUR (Rip Curl Search) Un an après avoir conquis son dixième titre mondial, déjà lors de l'avant-dernière étape de la saison à Porto Rico, Kelly Slater (photo) a toutes les chances de décro...
ASME Y14.5M GD&T 中英文对照讲解(重新上传) 5 Jul 2010 | 12:48 am
Introduction 简介: 一份ASME Y14.5 的中英文对照讲解,非常难得的中文资料. 关于ASME:最新的ASME Y14.5M – 1994维度及公差标准反映出12年来最巨大的一些变革。本课程聚焦于这一新的标准在客户所在组织的具体应用,并且从设计者、生产者和检验者的角度对 GD&T功能性的应用。 应大家的要求重发本站一系列经典文档.