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Webinar Recording: Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Renting B2B Email Lists 27 Mar 2012 | 07:47 pm
We had another amazing session of webinar on March 22th 2012. As always we share the recorded session and some of the key highlights. Denise Greenberg, Principal – TragetRight Marketing explained how ...
Mehrzad Marashi Hochzeit am 7. Juli 2010 21 Jun 2010 | 05:25 am
Jetzt ist es raus. Mehrzad Marashi gibt am 7. Juli 2010 seiner Verlobten Denise das Ja-Wort. Die Hochzeit von Superstar Mehrzad findet in Hamburg statt. Nach den Gerüchten, dass Mehrzad seine Freundi...
Mehrzad Marshi ein Fremdgeher – Betrügt er seine Freundin? 10 Jun 2010 | 10:20 pm
Das gibt es doch nicht. Betrügt Mehrzad Marashi seine Freundin und Mama seines Sohnes Denise seit Monaten mit einer anderen? Ist der Superstar ein Fremdgeher? Seit Semptember 2009 soll Mehrzad mit Pa...
Denise Chandler 17 Apr 2012 | 05:38 am
Akshay, Amrita, Dennis Kambakkht Ishq 7 Aug 2008 | 10:47 pm
Kambakkht Ishq is a romantic flick that brings together Akshay Kumar and Amrita Arora. Also, fitting in the scheme of things is Dennis Richards. In this beachside wedding scene, Denise and Akshay are ...
Wanda Bennett and Denise Oliver-Velez Named AfriGeneas Volunteers of the Year 9 Jun 2008 | 01:09 pm
Marietta, GA -- June 8, 2008 -- AfriGeneas is pleased to announce that Wanda Bennett and Denise Oliver-Velez have been selected as the 2007 AfriGeneas Volunteers of the Year. Contributor of the Year ...
The Movies 30 Mar 2010 | 06:45 am
Denise and I love to watch movies. It doesn’t matter if they’re on TV, if we’ve rented a DVD or if we’ve gone to the movie theater. We watch a lot of them. Of course, I always have to comment on wh...
Camping 16 Mar 2010 | 06:04 am
Denise and her oh-so-wonderful brother came up with what they thought was an absolutely great idea.…they decided we should all go camping for a weekend, just like they did when they were kids. In thei...
Men 23 Feb 2010 | 04:17 am
After all this talk about women, I feel it’s only fair to talk about men. After all, I don’t want Denise to think I am biased, or she might not think I am a macho man. I definitely don’t need yelling...
Shannon's Sentiments Challenge 1 May 2011 | 01:00 am
Happy Saturday!!!! It's time for this week's Shannon's Sentiments challenge. This week our guest designer, Denise, has challenged us to create our own handmade embellishments. Wow.....quite the cha...