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La triplicació del genoma va lliurar al tomàquet de l’extinció 31 May 2012 | 05:56 am
EFE El tomàquet va superar una etapa en la que van morir el 75% de les espècies, entre altres els dinosaures. Els científics han trobat el motiu gràcies a la seqüenciació de l’ADN del tomàquet. Es tra...
Troben al Camp dels Ninots un nou esquelet sencer de tapir de fa 3,1 milions d’anys 22 May 2012 | 09:56 am
Redacció Investigadors del Institut Catalá de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES) han fet aquesta troballa que converteix el jaciment de Caldes de Malavella en un dels més importants entorn...
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Mobile, eCommerce e Advertising: An IAB Research 25 May 2012 | 01:51 pm
Introduction: “The IAB Mobile Phone Shopping Diaries” is a study of 260 smartphone owners and featured phone, with the aim of understanding the relationship between the user of a mobile device and the...
2 Gol Tercetak Dalam 30 Detik ! 21 Aug 2010 | 09:09 pm
Unleash your power with Bonnie's Free People Ruffle Corset Jacket from The Vampire Diaries 26 Jul 2010 | 12:00 pm
We all know that celebrities tend to try their hand at several different things, making the most of their 5 minutes, but it’s rare that they succeed at more than one thing. Whether it’s putting out an...
Quero fazer parte do clã Júpiter! 18 Jul 2011 | 04:49 pm
CLÃ JÚPITER Leia os 10 mandamentos Júpiter, para só então solicitar sua vaga! 1- Todos os membros devem estar ciente das regras que devem seguir no fórum do clã e no Game Gol. Para visualizar as reg...
Sobre la peli d'imatge real de Bola de Drac Z. 30 Oct 2008 | 08:47 am
Aquest matí m'he trobat això: 'Bola de Dragón Z' salta al cine De qualsevol altre lloc no m'ho hagués cregut, però d'un diari de tirada estatal...
Nazmi Bilge kimdir? NAZMI BILGE Hayatı 27 Jun 2010 | 06:38 am
1943 yılında doğan Bilge, futbola Trabzonsporda başladı.1954 yılında Beşiktaşa, 5 yıl sonra da Altay transfer oldu. Beşiktaşta 158 gol attı, 1 kez lig şampiyonluğu yaşadı. 3 kez Milli Takıma seçi...
Bank of America Secured Credit Card Review – Credit Diary Part III 26 Jan 2012 | 09:17 am
After my credit score had not improved in months, I started to realize that the only secured card on my report was not going to be enough and that I needed a second credit card with a higher limit to ...
Capital One Secured Credit Card Review – Credit Diary Part II 26 Jan 2011 | 05:58 am
The following timeline will give you an idea of the progress (or lack thereof) I’ve had with the Capital One Secured Credit Card. It will be updated often, so make sure to check back regularly. If you...
Repairing my Credit with a Secured Credit Card – Credit Diary Part I 19 Jan 2011 | 05:48 pm
Related Article: Capital One Secured Credit Card Review – Credit Diary Part II. After 10 years of using credit irresponsibly, I have finally decided to do something about it. The two credit cards I h...
Скоро мы узнаем больше о Кэтрин (The Vampire Diaries ("Дневники вампира")) 8 Nov 2010 | 04:34 am
Звезда сериала The Vampire Diaries ("Дневники вампира") Нина Добрев пообещала, что в скором времени мы узнаем больше о Кэтрин, что заставило стать ее хладнокровной убийцей.