Most dk tank spec related news are at:

Updated tanking guide 18 Nov 2012 | 02:44 pm
The guide is still being updated for the latest in tanking for 5.0.5 and onward, over here. Related Posts: No related posts found using clever matching. Licensed under creative commons by Gravity fo...
DKIrunes updated 10 Sep 2012 | 09:26 am
Back in the day when I was mod at, a funny bloke named Futhark created this mod called DKIrunes. He’s gone walkabout, so Hanzo, who’s not so funny but can code like Neo, is updating i...
More dk tank spec related news:
Recrutement ! 12 Mar 2011 | 12:21 am
Pour poursuivre notre aventure PVE, la guilde The Legenders a besoin d'un certain nombre de joueurs. Les classes recherchées sont : Druide TANK DK TANK Rogue Chamélio Prêtre Shadow Moonkin Prê...
DK tanking info of the diseaseless persuasion. 23 Dec 2010 | 01:57 pm
Next up on the leveling block is my DK tank, who I’ve been leveling the entire time with a diseaseless Blood spec. I’ve found the spec to be quite easier than the disease using counterpart, and the on...
Dalakian Dk Tank (accepté) 7 Jan 2009 | 09:58 am
*Frappe à la porte* Qui suis-je ? Dalakian,Chevalier de la Mort Draeneï lvl 77 en phase d'xp lourd. Actuellement spé impie,à tendance dps => 17/0/54 Mon but final est le tanking,je bosse sur un te...
*PENDING* DK Tank application 6 Jul 2009 | 10:54 am
Your Name: Rasmus Age: 17 Nationality: Swedish Describe yourself with 3 words: Outgoing, Crazy, happy Character Name: Höstacken Class: Troll Level: 80 Professions: Inspcription & BS (low lvl on...
Death Knight tank spec 4.1 27 Apr 2011 | 05:58 pm
For DK tanks, it’s pretty simple. battle rez instead of ghoul conversion. It is instant cast, but costs 50 Runic Power to use, and has a 10-minute cooldown. It shares the same global battle resurrect...
DK tank in 4.1 19 Apr 2011 | 09:34 pm
Given the long delay between current content release and the pending 4.1, plus the onslaught of summer raiding difficulties, I’m wondering if anyone is mixing it up with 4.1? For DK, doesn’t look like...
whitedark dk tank (double spé dps) 8 Jan 2010 | 08:09 pm
Le personnage: Nom, race, classe/spé, lvl, /played whitedark elfe de sang 80 chevalier de la mort: _spé principale guivre en tank _ spé secondaire impie pour dps temp jouer 30jour au total. Armur...
Death Knight tank spec 4.1 27 Apr 2011 | 01:58 pm
For DK tanks, it’s pretty simple. battle rez instead of ghoul conversion. It is instant cast, but costs 50 Runic Power to use, and has a 10-minute cooldown. It shares the same global battle resurrect...
DK tank in 4.1 19 Apr 2011 | 05:34 pm
Given the long delay between current content release and the pending 4.1, plus the onslaught of summer raiding difficulties, I’m wondering if anyone is mixing it up with 4.1? For DK, doesn’t look like...
MoP DK Tank guide posted 30 Aug 2012 | 08:28 am
The community is already kickin’ butt and taking numbers, with a DK tank guide posted up over here. Related Posts: No related posts found using clever matching. Licensed under creative commons by Gr...