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分享35个高质量的 Apple 风格图标素材 11 Jun 2011 | 10:00 am

  苹果的很多产品都代表着一种时尚,一种潮流。在网上,我们也经常能见到有关苹果产品的各种各样的设计素材和资源。今天这篇文章要与大家分享的35个 Apple 风格的图标资源,点击图片进入详细介绍页面即可下载。 iPhone Icon Mac Mini Dock Icons Apple Products MP3 Players Icons iPod Touch Icons iPod Tou...

Running Dockless 20 May 2009 | 05:06 pm

While working on feature requests for DateLine recently, I needed to add the ability to run the app Dockless - that is, without a menu bar or Dock icon. In 10.5 and later, you can simply add the foll...

iPhone 4 Jailbroken with Glass HD Icons converted by s7yler – Part 4 30 May 2012 | 12:35 pm

This is Portion four NEW in this version: Dock icons with no shadows, folders with another skin, new vWallpaper 3Dfiction video, the video is recorded much closer to the icons and with more particular...

Toy Dock Icons - Set de 4 iconos de increible colorido 27 Aug 2008 | 01:55 pm

Este set contiene 4 iconos en formato PNG a 512 x 512 pixeles y es realmente impresionante. Cabe mencionar que los iconos vienen con fondo transparente para poder adaptarlos a donde mejor te convenga....

Why has my OS X dock icon disappeared? 11 Nov 2010 | 11:49 am

Tweet So after finding that one of my dock icons appeared pixelated, I recently experienced some of my dock icons become invisible. I’m not sure what caused it although I think I was running low on ...

Etched dock & icons 2 Aug 2012 | 05:43 am

dock and icons by Max Rudberg

Alienware Invasion Theme For Windows 7 28 Jan 2013 | 04:06 pm

Alienware Invasion Theme For Windows 7 | Requirement – Windows 7, Size – 7.57MB Alienware Invasion Dock Icons Wallpaper This Alienware Invasion Theme For Windows 7 includes: - Alienware wallpaper - Ra...

iMessages icon for Adium - Dock Icons 2 Jun 2013 | 09:56 pm

after browsing the adiumaxtras pages i've noticed that there's simply no iMessages for OS X icon created for adium *Gasp* and thus I created this! let me know what you think! enjoy!

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