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More doctrine orm related news:
Setup Doctrine CLI 25 Feb 2012 | 08:39 am
In the previous article have showed you how to integrate the almighty Doctrine ORM in Zend. But I haven’t mentioned nothing about the magic of this wonderful framework CLI. I suppose that you have al...
Integrating Doctrine in Zend framework 23 Feb 2012 | 10:55 am
Zend is, in my opinion, the best PHP framework ever it has a lot of really nice useful stuff, but it doesn’t have a build in ORM. I have recently worked with Doctrine ORM 2.0 that is a superb ORM fram...
Worknets 23 Jun 2011 | 12:57 am
Visit website » About Project Date: 2011-2012 Role: Developer Date: April 2011 – April 2012 Role: Developer (back-end & front-end) Used technologies: Symfony 1.4 PHP Framework, Doctrine ORM, YML...
Doctrine Relationship Management Between Entities 5 May 2013 | 01:46 pm
As we are using Doctrine ORM for easing our database layer programming, it’s very important to understand how to establish the doctrine relationship between entities and do it in proper way to build a...
Transformation Between Doctrine Entity And MySQL Database 28 Apr 2013 | 06:38 pm
If you have started using doctrine ORM, you should already have the idea how tightly the database and doctrine entity are bonded together. Any kind of change must need to be reflected on doctrine enti...
Doctrine Relationship Management Between Entities 5 May 2013 | 01:46 pm
As we are using Doctrine ORM for easing our database layer programming, it’s very important to understand how to establish the doctrine relationship between entities and do it in proper way to build a...
Doctrine and Domain Events 24 Jul 2013 | 03:00 am
Doctrine and Domain Events I have written about the Domain Event Pattern before and want to focus on this pattern again by explaining its integration into the Doctrine ORM on a very technical level. ...
SQL-Query über Zend/Db unter Symfony2 ausführen 6 Apr 2013 | 05:55 pm
Es gibt Anwendungsfälle wo man unter Symfony2 mit Doctrine und dem QueryBuilder nicht weiterkommt, wie man unter anderem hier lesen kann: Symfony2 / Doctrine ORM: Tabellen JOIN ohne mapping. Zwar ist ...
Symfony2 / Doctrine ORM: Tabellen JOIN ohne mapping 26 Jan 2013 | 03:49 pm
Symfony2 und Doctrine nehmen Dank ORM einiges an Arbeit ab. Anhand Entities wird ein Datenbankschema samt Foreign Keys aufgebaut. Mittels InnoDB wird man dadurch gezwungen die Datenbank konsisten zu h...
LINQ to SQL Instantiation... 28 Oct 2009 | 10:40 am
LINQ to SQL is an ORM tool that connects to SQL Server databases.