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More download midnight in paris related news:
"Midnight in Paris" party look 13 Feb 2012 | 09:13 pm
20年代一直是我很喜歡的一個年代,曾經發過幾篇blog述説喜愛它的原因,例如俏皮的the cloche hat ,紙醉金迷的flapper文化 ,最近的2012春夏20年代形象的look更是無處不再,復古迷們可以輕易從熱門的電影《午夜巴黎》、《The Artist》、或者歐美熱播連續劇《Broadwalk Empire》裏考究各種穿衣細節,還有即將上映的《了不起的蓋茨比》,相信會把這股潮流推向高潮...
The Charms of a Pessimistic Workaholic 12 Feb 2012 | 07:52 pm
Allen’s Midnight in Paris is sweet and nice but less substantial because the audience is insulated from the pain.
Midnight At Deyrolle In Paris 23 Jun 2011 | 02:57 am
Midnight In Paris HERE Have you ever wanted to live in another era, in another time in the past? Do you feel you were born too late? Do you love to wear vintage clothes, watch old movies, listen to g...
Pariste Gece Yarısı – Midnight in Paris 27 May 2012 | 11:04 pm
Полночь в Париже / Midnight in Paris (2011) 12 Oct 2011 | 10:15 pm
Страна: США, Испания Жанр: фэнтези, мелодрама, комедия В главных ролях: Оуэн Уилсон, Рэйчел МакАдамс, Курт Фуллер, Мими Кеннеди, Майкл Шин, Нина Арианда, Карла Бруни, Морис Зонненберг, Тьерри Ханчисс...
Oscars 2012 Nominations 28 Jan 2012 | 12:38 am
Best Picture War Horse The Artist Moneyball The Descendants The Tree of Life Midnight in Paris The Help Hugo Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close Best Actress Glenn Close, Albert Nobbs Rooney...
Midnight in Paris 19 Jul 2011 | 04:43 am
La última de Woody Allen merece la pena. Recupera esa brillante y sencilla forma de contar de Annie Hall, Manhattan o La rosa púrpura de El Cairo. El tema de la película es clásico y romántico: la nos...
Un viaggio a Parigi.. 14 May 2011 | 02:05 am
Un Viaggio a Parigi con tappa al Festival di Cannes.. A chi potevamo dedicare questo post se non all'ironico osservatore delle umane dinamiche, Woody Allen? "Midnight in Paris", ha aperto il Festiva...
Knowledge 4 Jan 2012 | 09:31 am
Dear Posterity: I crave knowledge! I mean seriously. I want to learn things, all kinds of things. It all started when we watched "midnight in Paris" on New Years Eve. All those artists, and writers....
Film News Roundup 6-25-2011 26 Jun 2011 | 04:14 am Strike gold again sir! Midnight in Paris was amazing!