Most drivers certifiés whql related news are at:

Votre porte monnaie dans votre smartphone opérationnel en 2013 13 Jul 2012 | 04:29 am
La BPCE (réseaux Banque Populaire et Caisse d’Épargne) a annoncé le lancement d’un porte monnaie électronique baptisé S-Money. Le S-Money vous permettra d’effectuer des versements au profit de parti...
Payer avec son smartphone, ça existe, c’est opérationnel et c’est Français 3 Apr 2012 | 08:00 am
Clic c'est payé Une trentaine de commerces de la capitale Française utilisent actuellement une application développée par une start-up parisienne qui permet aux clients de payer avec leur smartph...
More drivers certifiés whql related news:
WHQL Testing 25 Aug 2011 | 06:28 pm
If you are a device driver developer, you know very well what it means to get your drivers certified as Windows compatible. But how do you achieve this highly reputed Designed for Windows certificatio...
WHQL Testing 25 Aug 2011 | 11:28 am
Hire WHQL testing experts from Radix for your system and device drivers. We offer WHQL testing services to get your device drivers recognized as Microsoft certified WHQL.
NVIDIA Geforce 285.62 WHQL Driver 25 Oct 2011 | 04:34 am
Version: 285.62 Release Date: Mon Oct 24, 2011 File Size: 147.99 MB Release Notes Download Driver This driver package supports GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500-series desktop GPUs ...
nVidia 260.99 WHQL Drivers Now Available 26 Oct 2010 | 01:32 pm
This is the second WHQL release from the Release 260 family of drivers. Get them now at This version also comes with a brand new installer that doesn't require you to uninstall the old...
Xorg using abnormal high cpu in Debian wheezy with official Nvidia GeForce G105M driver of version 285.05 31 Oct 2011 | 08:49 pm
I re-installed my system with Debian Wheezy the other day. And then downloaded and installed the official Nvidia graphic driver for my GeForce G105M card. The driver version is 285.05.09 Certified pub...
NVIDIA GeForce Desktop + Verde Notebook 301.42 WHQL (MULTI) 28 May 2012 | 09:55 pm
NVIDIA GeForce Desktop + Verde Notebook 301.42 WHQL (MULTI) | 1.01 GB NVIDIA Corporation introduced the final version of the new line of graphics drivers with the number 301. This is the first WHQL-c...
NVIDIA GeForce Desktop + Verde Notebook 301.42 WHQL 28 May 2012 | 09:55 pm
NVIDIA GeForce Desktop + Verde Notebook 301.42 WHQL (MULTI) | 1.01 GB NVIDIA Corporation introduced the final version of the new line of graphics drivers with the number 301. This is the first WHQL-c...
GeForce/ION Graphics Card (Vista/Windows 7) 18 Oct 2009 | 07:26 pm
GeForce/ION Graphics Card is a WHQL-certified driver for GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, and 200-series desktop GPUs and ION desktop GPUs. Includes numerous bug fixes, including the following key fix: For gr...
Get Certified Chrysler Headlights in Professional Part Store 28 Feb 2012 | 01:36 am
Chrysler is one of some cars offering good comfort and design for the driver. That is why this car is preferable for those who drive every day because this car perfectly serves comfort during your dri...