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Mordprozess nach 68 Jahren 27 Aug 2013 | 03:12 pm

von Martin Krauss DEUTSCHLAND. Über 40 Verfahren gegen Auschwitz-Wachleute sind in Vorbereitung. Strafrechtler kritisiert Arbeit der Ermittler

»Essen ist Identität« 27 Aug 2013 | 01:29 pm

von Katrin Richter DEUTSCHLAND. Israel Aharoni über koschere Speisen, kulinarische Einflüsse und Musik beim Kochen

More dvd wall street related news:

In Dvd Wall Street 2 12 Mar 2011 | 08:51 pm

In Wall Street 2 ritroviamo Gordon Gekko è di nuovo in pista dopo aver scontato la sua pena detentiva. Bravissimi gli interpreti del film che sono Michael Douglas, Shia Labeouf, Josh Brolin e Carey Mu...

Ma in Borsa, realmente si bruciano i soldi? 19 Jan 2011 | 01:20 am

E’ vero che in borsa si bruciano i soldi? Che cosa significa quando al telegiornale si dice: “bruciati 10 miliardi di dollari a Wall Street“? La conoscenza rende liberi (e prosperi). Nel mondo della ...

Corporations Are Evil (Infographic) 6 Dec 2011 | 10:19 am

If Corporations are indeed to be treated like people, and Occupy Wall Street’s end-goals are met, how would these ‘evil corporations’ be perceived? Well, like the sociopaths they are. From exploitatio...

Fourth Bailout for AIG’s Record $61.7bn Loss 3 Mar 2009 | 06:15 am

Wall Street falls on AIG’s biggest quarterly loss in corporate history. The government is willing to pump another 30 billions of tax dollars once again into American International Group (AIG) for the ...

Google to sell co-branded Android tablets in a... 1 Apr 2012 | 06:09 am

There's been a lot of buzz about Google's "Nexus Tablet." Most rumors suggest Google has contracted Asus to build a sub-$200 Android tablet, and now the Wall Street Journal weighs in, firmly stating t...

Margin Call (2011) DVDRip 9 Feb 2012 | 07:12 am

Panica pe Wall Street Sinopsis: Plasat în universul financiar, unde mizele sînt uriaşe, MARGIN CALL este un thriller despre jucătorii-cheie dintr-o firmă de investiţii pe parcursul a 24 de ore din p...

Lady Gaga ‘earns $30 million a year from Twitter’ 17 Mar 2012 | 04:59 am

Marketing experts reckon ‘Born This Way’ star makes a third of her cash through social media site. The Wall Street Journal claims that the ‘Born This Way’ star has built up such a strong relationship...

Mr. Boehner, Please Move Beyond Earmarks 6 Nov 2010 | 02:51 am

This from the House Speaker-designate for the 112th Congress in today's Wall Street Journal: [T]here are several steps I believe the next speaker should be prepared to take immediately. Among them: ...

A Sea of Robin Hoods Tell the G8, "It's Time to Tax Wall Street!" 22 May 2012 | 03:01 am

Thousands of nurses from around the world descended upon Daley Plaza, in the heart of Chicago on May 18, to demand that the richest nations in the world put an end to austerity politics and start aski...

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