Most dystopian wars cutouts related news are at:

Necron Horde Revision (1750) 17 Aug 2013 | 02:01 am
Seeing the previous iteration of this army here. Some ideas of how to improve the list. More after the jump. I have been toying with different ways to change and improve the list... they mainly stem...
Necron Horde 1750 points! 14 Aug 2013 | 02:30 pm
This weekend I took part in a recent friendly gaming day (big shout out Dave! Thanks for arranging it!) More after the jump! Three games in one day, a nice change from the an occasional 1 game in a ...
More dystopian wars cutouts related news:
From the north they come 15 Jul 2011 | 06:30 pm
Spartan games has shown us preview renders and painted samples of the upcoming Covenant of Antarctica for Dystopian wars. The painted naval box The naval box renders and the naval carrier Painted a...
Dystopian Wars: Battle Pics 1 Aug 2011 | 02:55 pm
Hey all, Slick here. Here are some pics from a recent Dystopian Wars battle - Prussians vs Empire of the Blazing Sun.
Dystopian Wars: Dreadnoughts Report 27 Jul 2011 | 03:59 pm
Hello all, Slick here with some updates on Dystopian Wars. We've gotten two games in using dreads - one average size game and a 1200 per person 4 player team battle with 3 dreads per side. First game...
Dystopian Wars: Prussian Destroyers and Escorts Review 13 Jul 2011 | 08:03 am
Hello Slick here again. Destroyers and Escorts are now available for all the factions so let's take a quick look at our two ships. In general I'm a bit disappointed with the ships - both the models an...
Dystopian Legions 21 Aug 2012 | 09:48 pm
Spartan Games saca en octubre un juego de miniaturas de 28mm basado en su mundo steampunk Dystopian Wars.
Dystopian War Activations. 5 Feb 2013 | 07:31 am
Having played a few games now I am understanding this game better and better. One of the mechanic that is new to me is the concept of activation. What happens is a player take one squadron to activate...
Novos lançamentos para Dystopian Wars 11 Feb 2013 | 03:00 pm
A Spartan Games anunciou os novos lançamentos para o seu Dystopian Wars, para o mês de Março: Filed under: Anúncio, Miniaturas Tagged: Dystopian Wars, Miniaturas, Noticias, Spartan Games
Dystopian Wars Activations & Target Priority 19 Mar 2013 | 04:46 am
Rules of activation: 1. Activate a squadron that has range. 2. Activate a squadron that will die this round. 3. Activate a squadron that can take a licking. 4. Activate a squadron that can block anoth...
Dystopian Wars - What I use 10 Jun 2013 | 04:09 pm
This post is a little bit of a filler really, in that most of the people who read my blog are far more likely to be interested in and entertained by, my views on the horrific aberration that is the ne...
Dystopian Wars - What I use 10 Jun 2013 | 04:09 pm
This post is a little bit of a filler really, in that most of the people who read my blog are far more likely to be interested in and entertained by, my views on the horrific aberration that is the ne...