Most elisabeth software testing cheat sheet related news are at: – Test Obsessed | Because empirical evidence trumps speculation. Every. Single. Time. (Elisabeth Hendrickson's thoughts on Agile, Testing, and Agile Testing.)

Endings and Beginnings 1 Dec 2012 | 11:57 pm

When I wrote my blog post a few weeks back celebrating 15 years in business, I had no idea that in a few short weeks I would be making sweeping changes. I knew I was restless in my current work, and a...

Diverse Discussions 19 Nov 2012 | 07:19 am

So, there’s another round of gender/race drama going down on teh intarwebs. It seems that there was a conference, BritRuby, slated to run next year in Manchester, England. Only there was some criticis...

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