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Goober’s Gone :( 7 May 2012 | 05:09 am
George Lindsey, who played “Goober” on The Andy Griffith Show, passed away today at the age of 76. Lindsey was a solid comedic character actor, and his Goober character lived on via Hee Haw for more ...
Neo4j at Öredev and Oredev Open, Nov 8-12, Malmö, Sweden 26 Oct 2010 | 04:36 pm
Peter Neubauer Hi all, the Neo4j team is very excited to announce some Neo4j Team members being present at this years Öredev. Jim Webber is talking about REST in Practice, and Emil Eifrem is introduc...
How Not To Choose A Business Bank Account 11 May 2012 | 08:49 am
Since my business became a legal entity a few weeks ago I’ve been hemming and hawing over this ‘business bank account’ thing. I set out on my search with a vague feeling of dread, and some specific c...
Schubert: Forellen-Quintett, Der Tod und das Mädchen / Emil Gilels, Amadeus Quartet, Rainer Zepperitz 9 Jun 2011 | 09:17 am
Franz Schubert: Forellen-Quintett, Der Tod und das Mädchen (Quartett No. 14 D 810) Emil Gilels, Amadeus Quartet, Rainer Zepperitz Deutsche Grammophon | The Originals | Int. Release 06 Ja...
Die Pforten Sind Zu 19 Jan 2011 | 04:48 pm
Posts: 431 Comments: 1,491 Categories: 32 Tags: 149 Billionaire Boys Club – Shop Eröffnung in HK 2,830 Emil Bulls The Black Path Lyrics 2,421 Wolf Quest the new MMORPG!!! 1,565 PSP: Best Han... 5 Sep 2008 | 12:00 pm
Cashewnut Oat Cookies (Bahan Utama : oats, nestum, gajus, butter) Cocoa Coffee Bar (Bahan Utama : tepung kentang, cocoa crunch, susu tepung, butter) Crispy Haw Flakes (Bahan Utama : kelapa kering, se...
Der Erlenmeyerkolben – ein wichtiges Glasgefäß in der Chemie 10 Jan 2011 | 09:55 pm
Der Erlenmeyerkolben ist wohl nicht jedem ein Begriff. Dabei ist dieses Glasgefäß aus der Chemie nicht wegzudenken. Benannt nach dem deutschen Chemiker Emil Erlenmeyer, erkennt man den Erlenmeyerkolbe...
Aria and Ezra: Names of Pretty Little Liars Characters Included in the Most Popular Names of 2011 21 Dec 2011 | 10:48 pm
The names Ezra and Aria are among the characters in the hit teen drama series, Pretty Little Liars. We have known Aria as one of the four pretty girls who share the same dark secrets with Hannah, Emil...
Check us out over at 24 Mar 2010 | 02:37 am
Emile and I have been blogging about our content websites over at Think of it as Tradeshow Startup for membership websites. Join us over there. —
Hedaytul Islam (Baan Haw) Mosque, Chiang Mai, Thailand 11 Oct 2010 | 02:22 pm
(Chinese: 王和清真寺; pinyin: wánghéqīngzhēnsì, Thai: มัสยิดเฮดายาตูลอิสลามบ้านฮ่อ), located at Night Bazaar in Chiang Mai, is one of the biggest mosques in the province, and also one of the seven Chinese ...