Most exact target blog related news are at:

One GREAT Reason to Arrive Early for Connections 2013 27 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
If you haven't already made your travel arrangements for Connections 2013, we've got a great reason for you to arrive in Indianapolis a little early! On Monday, September 16 at 4:00pm EDT, we will be...
Email Swipe File Passes 200-Pin Mark: Comment on Your Favorite Pin to Win 27 Aug 2013 | 07:15 pm
ExactTarget’s Email Swipe File on Pinterest now has more than 200 pins of inspiring emails and landing pages. To celebrate this milestone, we’re giving away 10 print editions of The Best of the Email ...
More exact target blog related news:
The Last Word on the Best Day/Time to Send an E-Mail – MarketingVOX 3 Aug 2010 | 04:49 pm
The Last Word on the Best Day/Time to Send an E-Mail – MarketingVOX: “In a blog post, Jeffrey Rohrs at Exact Target offers up the last word on a debate that has fascinated the e-mail marketing industr...
ผู้ใช้ Facebook มีปฏิสัมพันธ์กับแบรนด์อย่างไร..? 17 Oct 2011 | 02:25 am
ผู้ใช้ Facebook มีปฏิสัมพันธ์กับแบรนด์อย่างไร..? จากการศึกษาข้อมูลจากกลุ่มตัวอย่าง 1,500 คน Exact Target ให้ข้อสรุปว่า ปัจจัยสำคัญที่ทำให้ผู้ใช้ Facebook เป็นแฟน (like) ของแบรนด์ใดๆ เกิดจาก • 40% ติ...
Secret To A Successful Website Design 5 May 2011 | 01:19 am
Understand your exact target market and the needs of your business to go online. There are many points that need to be considered while designing the website. Whereas the website could be designed as ...
Blogging Makes Money 2 Feb 2011 | 01:36 pm
What exactly is blogging espionage? Blogging Espionage is the last price to be paid by the affiliate and insider blogs X Bank founder Rob Benwell. In later Rob will show you step by step exactly how h...
Targeting blogs for links 25 Apr 2012 | 03:59 am
Links within blogs should be one of your basic link building strategies, as you will find when you talk to us at Setting up links within blogs is not only one of the easiest ways o...
Blogging Ninja 1 May 2010 | 01:28 am
Let’s Take A Look At Exactly What Blogging Ninja Allows You To Do: Easily input ads into your new blogs to generate AdSense revenue, affiliate sales using banners or text ads, or promote your main pr...
Write Blog Posts for One Person 14 Apr 2010 | 04:12 am
It can be difficult to focus on your exact target
Mitt Romney's "blogger" talks about Obama being kneecapped, hates Romney 27 Sep 2012 | 09:14 am
Romney publishes this on his campaign site. It's the exact same blog post (half of it) as this at conservative site It's written by "professional blogger" John Hawkins. Hawkins run Ri...
He's Here! 27 Nov 2012 | 09:43 pm
You may have inferred by my four-week blogging absence that something big has happened. (Or maybe not. I haven't exactly been blogging consistently lately.) If so, you are right! Our baby, Ossie, was ...
Quick Reminder on WordPress Conditionals 11 Dec 2012 | 01:48 am
If you are diving into the world of WordPress conditional tags don't forget that there are few keys to targeting blog related pages. There is no is_blog() conditional tag -- using this will break you...