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Google 排名算法的新思想变革 22 Jun 2013 | 08:57 am
SEO已经这么这么多年头了。我的朋友告诉我,SEO不做,等死;做了,找死。 肯定没这么危言耸听,问题是,我们应该怎么做。 有一些企业跟我咨询SEO,说有一些机构信誓旦旦确保他们的某一些大词,在一两个月内就能排到首页的很前面。这样的绩效保证,让各个不精通互联网的传统企业主纷纷慷慨解囊。 我只是提醒他们——越快上去的,也越快下来。越快下来的,恐怕就再也难以重回去。 纯黑帽的玩法难度越来越大...
未来是移动的天下? 20 Jun 2013 | 08:29 pm
所有的人都在聊Mobile(移动),我们都感到这个时代已经来临了。 至少对我,Mobile设备影响甚大,不过,浏览基于web的网页基本上还是在PC上。 不过,是否所有人都如此呢?人们使用Mobile终端设备上网频繁吗?中国和美国的网民行为有明显区别吗? 想解答这个问题,基本上应该从大处着手,去做调研、统计,然后横向比较。不过我没有这些条件,我也不太想大费周章。手上刚好有几个网站,有中国的...
More exit rate related news:
Bounce Rate vs. Exit Rate? What’s the difference? 9 Dec 2011 | 07:02 am
Bounce Rate vs. Exit Rate? What’s the difference? I’ve been getting this question a lot lately from people trying to figure out their web metrics on Google Analytics. It’s not surprising given how si...
How To Use Exit Rate To Discover Quick Wins 31 Oct 2011 | 11:01 pm
Exit rate is an often-ignored source of conversion rate improvement. Often overshadowed by bounce rate, it'll tell you the performance of your inner pages, which is often where the conversion decision...
Bounce rate and Exit rate 7 Mar 2012 | 01:00 am
If you are using Google Analytics, you must have noticed two SEO metrics – Bounce rate and Exit rate. Bounce means a visitor comes to your site and leaves without clicking on any other page of your w...
Difference Between Bounce Rate and Exit Percentage 14 Nov 2010 | 06:03 am
I have often come across this Google analytics question- what is the difference between bounce rate and exit rate? Here is the simple explanation of the question. Bounce rate is the percentage of pe...
Monetize Your Bounce & Exit Traffic with Exit Yield™ 24 Oct 2012 | 10:38 pm
Bounce & Exit rates have plagued website owners since the creation of the back button. You try to improve your bounce rates, but the fact is, you can’t help every visitor no matter how great your cont...
Bounce Rate et Exit Rate, quelle différence? quelle pertinence? 25 Feb 2013 | 09:17 pm
Catégorie: Le web by GonnaEat Pour mesurer le succès de son site Internet, on parle de Bounce Rate (taux de rebond). De quoi s’agit-il exactement, à quoi servent ces statistiques ? Le Bounce Rate c...
Trade at VoxEU 24 Dec 2012 | 01:22 am
Some recent VoxEU columns: In Belgian firm-level data, a smaller percentage of services-producing firms export than goods-producing firms. Exporting entry and exit rates are higher in services than go...
Difference Between Bounce Rate and Exit Percentage 13 Nov 2010 | 10:03 pm
I have often come across this Google analytics question- what is the difference between bounce rate and exit rate? Here is the simple explanation of the question. Bounce rate is the percentage of peop...
What does "Bounce Rate" mean? 24 Jun 2013 | 11:00 am
What is Bounce Rate? The bounce rate (sometimes also called exit rate) is the percentage of people who land on your website and view only one page before leaving. You can determine your website’s boun...
How To Reduce Your Sites Bounce Rate 10 Jul 2013 | 03:09 am
Bounce and exit rates are often confused, but have different definitions and purposes. Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that hit a page and don’t visit any others within the same site. It sho...