Most ext2 volume manager related news are at: – Ext2Fsd Project

Ext2Fsd 0.51 was released ! 9 Jul 2011 | 07:24 pm

Ext2Fsd 0.50 was repacked ! 11 Feb 2011 | 01:10 am

Please re-download Ext2Fsd 0.50 package and re-install. Or update Ext2Fsd.sys manually from latest 0.50 package. Download link: New packages checksums: Changelog:

More ext2 volume manager related news:

How to create a LVM partition in Linux 21 Dec 2011 | 12:06 am

LVM stands for  logical volume manager for the Linux kernel. LVM provides a method of allocating space on mass-storage devices that is more flexible than conventional partitioning schemes. Ste...

Ext2 IFS for Windows 27 Feb 2010 | 11:26 pm

Jak przeglądać Unixowe partycje Ext2 z pod Windowsa? What's unique about this software? It provides Windows NT4.0/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 with full access to Linux Ext2 volumes (read access and writ...

VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-5455 Operation requires a disk group 27 Jan 2012 | 06:30 pm

On this post we will take a closer look at this veritas volume manager error when trying to display the available disk space in an existig datagroup. The error is “VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-5455 Opera...

How to Replace a Failed Drive in a ZFS Pool 10 Jan 2012 | 08:49 am

So you have a failed disk in a ZFS pool and you want to fix it? Routine disk failures are really a non-event with ZFS because the volume management makes replacing them so dang easy. In many cases, un...

Linux逻辑卷管理器(LVM)学习笔记 15 Feb 2012 | 12:10 am

通过使用Linux的逻辑卷管理器(Logical Volume Manager, LVM),用户可以在系统运行时动态调整文件系统的大小,把数据从一块硬盘重定位到另一块硬盘,也可以提高I/O操作的性能,以及提供冗余保护,它的快照功能允许用户对逻辑卷进行实时的备份。 对一般用户来讲,使用最多的是动态调整文件系统大小的功能。这样,你在分区时就不必为如何设置分区的大小而烦恼,只要在硬盘中预留出部分空闲空...

AudioManager Pro v2.2.3 android apps download 24 May 2011 | 09:11 am

Requirements: Android OS 1.5 – 2.3 Overview: Fully featured version of the popular AudioManager Widget and Volume manager. Featured in “Best Android Apps” Book by O’Reilly as Best Audio Management App...

Audio Control v1.7.7.1 Apk Direct|2MB 5 Aug 2012 | 12:45 pm

Total Sound Control Audio Control provides an amazing volume management experience. Audio Control has 5 components: Profiles, Schedules, Exceptions, Quick and custom Vibration. Each provides a uniqu...

Download Audio Control Apk App for Android 20 Aug 2012 | 08:12 pm

Total Sound Control Audio Control Apk App for Android provides an amazing volume management experience. Audio Control has 5 components: Profiles, Schedules, Exceptions, Quick and custom Vibration. Eac...

RHCSA - Logical Volume Management 26 Sep 2012 | 08:03 pm

Logical Volume Management (LVM) LVM – logical volume manager can allow you to manage the space allocated to appropriate directories. As an example, assume the /var and /home directories are configure...

Storage OS vs. Linux. Which is better? 23 Jan 2013 | 11:08 pm

There’s a question which we’re often asked here at Syneto: Isn’t Storage OS with the ZFS filesystem comparable to a Linux powered storage system with Logical Volume Manager, RAID protection and the Ex...

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